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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 4th November 2022

Welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been using the text Jacob O'Reilly wants a pet. Amazing! We also had the lovely Mrs Shirley come and visit us to explore our musical talent. Here we are exploring fireworks through music and dance.

We also made fireworks in time with music. We listened to music and made marks like bang, crackle, fizz and sparkle. These are the finishes article. Don't they look amazing?

We have also been outside exploring our parachute. We used language such as high, low, up, down. More importantly we had so much fun smiley

We have also been exploring and developing our fine motor skills. We have taken part in lots of different activities designed to help us develop our pincer grip. Here we are exploring threading - up, down, up, down yes

We have also been exploring our number of the week in Maths. Number 8. We have been looking for the number in the environment. Here we are spotting a number 8 on the Maths working wall. Fantastic. Can you spot any numbers on the way to school?

We have also been exploring our phonics and letter sounds. We have been thinking about the initial sounds of objects from in and around the classroom. Here we are sorting and classifying objects according to the sound they begin with.

Take a look at this amazing work. We have been exploring different ways to record and show how to make 8. Perfect. Keep up the good work smiley

Next week we will be using the text Commotion in the Ocean. Have a little look before Monday and i can't wait to share our text of the week. 


Have a great weekend


Happy Bonfire Night. Stay safe and look after yourselves


Reception staff and children smiley
