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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 5th January 2018

Happy New Year! Welcome back to our blog.


We have had a short week this week but we have crammed such a lot of learning into it.  This week is the first week of our half term all about Traditional Tales. We have started the week off by using the Three Little Pigs text. We have listened to various versions of the same story in order ton talk about what is the same and what is different about them.

We started the week off by creating a newspaper report reporting an event that had happened in the story. Take a look at the progress we are making with our writing. It's super and we are so proud!
We also created and labelled our design for a a super strong house to help keep the little pigs safe. We have used these on a display in class so please come and look 
We have also taken part in an experiment. We have pretended that we are the Big Bad wolf and tried to blow various objects across the table. This was really hard work. We the sorted the objects into 2 different sections. Here we are in action
Next week we are going to be using the story Little Red Riding Hood as the focus for our learning. We hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Staff and children in Reception W