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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 6th October 2023

Hello and welcome back to this weeks class blog. This week we have been using the text In Every House on Every Street to help us with our learning. This lovely story looks inside houses on a street and talks about how each one is different. Just like our homes and houses. We started the week off with some lovely learning experiences all linked to houses and homes. Let's take a little look blush

After reading the story and listening to the different reasons why each room is special to them we began to think about our own homes. We talked about our favourite room in the house and why. We then created our own pictures showing our favourite rooms and what we did in them yes 

We have also been busy exploring materials and creating 3D models of our own houses. These are on display in class and when you come to parents evening we would love to share them with you. Here we are exploring materials, problem solving and designing our own homes smiley

We have also been developing our fine motor control in fun and exciting ways. Here we are using scissors and our upper body muscles to cut and follow different shaped lines. 

As part of our number work we have been focusing this week on the number 3. Who knew the different ways we can show 3 and all of the activities we have taken part in that help us to understand the number 3 in lots of different ways. This week we have explored a 3 picnic and built towers of 1, 2 and 3. Great work everyone!

We have also been exploring how to use lollipop sticks to make houses. Take a look at this example. Such a simple yet effective idea to help children learn about shape and space and full of problem solving opportunities yes

And finally. We love to see photographs of you and your children learning at home. Take a look at this lovely maraca made after reading the book How to Make a Maraca. Wonderful. If you have any photograph of your child learning at home i would love to see them and you can send them to me via Weduc app. smiley

Next week we will be using the text A New Home for a Pirate. A story about Pirate Jed who wants to swap his pirate ship for a house on a hill with a roof as blue as the sky. As always I will post the link below for you to watch at home. 


It has been lovely to welcome you all into class at parents evening and to share and celebrate the progress your children are making. Please continue to send your child's reading book everyday, I will change them each and every Friday. Also please access the Read Write Inc videos I have sent via Weduc. Watching these and practising the skills will make a huge difference to the progress your child makes.


Have a great weekend

Staff and Children in Reception W smiley,vid:GnA7pV-OBpA,st:0
