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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 8th December

Welcome to this weeks blog. We've had a great week and it has been very busy.

We've been finding out about Arctic animals. We have been finding out what they are called, what they look like and why they have certain features to suit living in the Arctic. 

We used the ipad to find out about the different animals and wrote down the new facts we found out.

We also compared The Arctic to Wigan and looked at pictures and talked about what the Arctic has that Wigan doesn't and what Wigan has that is not in the Arctic.


In Maths, we have been learning about 4 and 5. We have been subitising, looking at the different numbers that make 4 and 5 and working out what is one more than a given number. In shape we looked at how new shapes can be made by putting 2 shapes together eg. 2 triangles can make a square. We folded a paper square to make new shapes.

We've had lots of fun in continuous provision finding out about the Arctic and it's animals. We've drawn cold pictures on foil and drawn our own Arctic animals by looking at photographs to help us. We've had lots of funky fingers activities, been reading books, building in construction and lots more.

This week we have decorated our class Christmas tre, everyone helped and put decorations on it. It looks lovely.

We've been practicing our Nativity play songs for a few weeks and this week we have sorted our costumes and have been in the hall and on the stage to get ready for Tuesday and Wednesday next week. We are really looking forward to it.

Next week we will be finding out about animals that live in the zoo by using the text

'This zoo is not for you' by Ross Collins.

If you would like to look at it, click the link below.

Have a lovely weekend.

Reception F staff and children.
