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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending Friday 14th February

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. I can't believe this is the last week before half term. It has flown by! 


This week we have been reading the text 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. It has been lovely. But first we celebrated Monty's birthday with a new number of the week. Number 14. Our magic carpet activity was the first thing we did. 

We have been very busy this week. We have been thinking about size and the Three bears were a perfect way for us to practice size ordering. We had to match the right sized objects to the bears. We were great!
Another challenge we were set this week was to plait Goldilocks' long hair. We all took our time to figure this our, and I am so proud how the children persevered until the end. 
Our writing in class has been absolutely fantastic. We have come to far with RWI and we all enjoy writing so much. I am so impressed with how the children have been using their sounds to independently sound out words. Take a look at what we have been writing.  

This week we have also been drawing the bears houses, making Goldilocks, trying porridge and we even made a graph to show our favourite characters.  We have loved our challenges and we have been so busy. 



As reading is so important I am so happy that the children independently want to access story books in class. They love pretending to be teachers and reading stories to other children. It is a great way for them to use their imagination when telling the stories and it creates a love of reading for all the children. 


Please can we make sure reading books always come into school, especially on a Monday and Thursday so they can be changed. Please let us know how fantastic their reading is by writing a comment in their reading diary. 

I can't believe that is the end of another half term. I hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you in a week.


From Reception F 
