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Y1F 2014-2015

1 week to go!!


Over the past couple of weeks we have done lots of exciting activities in Year 1. It has been Sports Day, we have visited Blackpool Zoo and we have visited our new class in Year 2. Have a look at some photos from our busy couple of weeks…


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x

4 weeks to go…


Can you believe we only have 4 weeks left in Year 1? Crazy! Read on to find out about our week…




This week we have consolidated our addition, subtraction and problem skills using a range of methods and resources.




We have researched Meerkats and created a leaflet about them. Did you know that Meerkats eat spiders and worms? Disgusting!




This week we have grouped animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. A carnivore eats meat, a herbivore eats plants and an omnivore eats both.




We have moved on to learning about holidays abroad. A holiday abroad is when you travel out of the country. We have begun to research Spain as a popular holiday destination and are looking forward to doing some Spanish dancing and tasting some Spanish food next week.




This week we have practised running races in preparation for Sports Day.

See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

The sun has got his hat on!


What a glorious week of weather we have had. It has certainly brightened our mood and we have had lots of fun with our learning this week.




We have been looking at multiplication and division. For multiplication we looked at repeated addition and arrays to help us write multiplication sentences. For division we looked at sharing and grouping. We are really getting the hang of this now!




This week we received some post from Sunny the Meerkat. He sent us on a special adventure to Africa. We had to use our growing knowledge of super sentences and punctuation to describe where we went, what we saw and what we took with us. We did all of this in a postcard, just like the ones in Meerkat Mail.




Continuing with our work on animal groups we looked at the features of mammals, amphibians and insects. We are looking forward to seeing animals from each group that we have learned about when we visit Blackpool Zoo.




This week we wrote about how seaside holidays differed in the past. For example years ago people would have had a metal bucket and space instead of plastic ones. They also wore full bathing suits and ladies would get changed in a bathing machine before going in to the sea. We have found this fascinating!




We have practised our throwing skills through a variety of throwing games this week including hot potato and tadpoles. As the weather was so nice we even got to do PE outside!


That’s it for this week. See you next week for another exciting week in Year 1F. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

Welcome Back


Hello and welcome back to our final half term in Year 1… where has time gone? Read on to find out about what we have been up to this week…




For the first part of the week we looked at time. We are now confident reading and drawing the times on a clock at o’clock and half past. For the second part of the week we looked at naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes.




Our new story in English is called ‘Meerkat Mail’. This is about a Meerkat called Sunny who lives in the Kalahari Desert in Africa. He gets fed up of his home so decides to go on an adventure across Africa and sends his family lots of postcards along the way. We used freeze frames to explore the events and feelings of characters in the story (see our pictures) and hot seated Sunny to practise our questioning skills.




We have continued looking at animal groups and this week we looked at describing animals from different groups including birds, fish and reptiles. We looked at how their body parts differ from human body parts and also named animals from the different groups.




Our new topic is called ‘Holidays’. We have started to look at the history of British holidays and how they differ to holidays we have now.




This week the certificate has been awarded to… for…


Thanks for checking out our blog! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Year 1F x x

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Time for a rest...


After our 4 day week we are ready for our week off. Read on to find out about what we have been up to…




This week we have been learning about coins and their value. We can now make different amounts using mixed coins up to the value of 50p.




We have finished our work on The Jolly Postman. We acted out the story and then retold the key events in order. Have a look at the photos at the end of the blog which show us re-enacting the story.




We have sorted animals in to different categories including reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish. We have learned key features of each group so that we could sort the animals into the different categories.




We wrote an autobiography about Florence Nightingale. We have really enjoyed learning about the Lady of the Lamp.


That’s it from Year 1F. We hope you have a lovely half term break and will see you on 1st June for our final 7 weeks in Year 1.


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

Lady of the Lamp


Hello and welcome back to our week 4 blog. We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this week and have learned about a very special lady. Can you guess who?




This week we have been finding fractions of shapes, measures and quantities. We remembered that if you split something in half it must have 2 parts which are equal and if you split something into quarters there must be 4 equal parts.




We have continued with our work on The Jolly Postman and this week we have designed our own fantasy character just like the ones in the story. On Friday we wrote a letter to The Jolly Postman telling him all about them.




This week we have been learning all about Florence Nightingale or the Lady of the Lamp. She was a nurse in the Crimean War. Florence Nightingale made hospitals cleaner places. She showed that trained nurses and clean hospitals helped sick people get better. She was the founder of modern nursing.


We also went on a local walk to identify buildings using our maps and had a very exciting visit from the Mounted Police (they were on specially trained horses)!




Again we did PE with Year 1W this week, practising our running technique when working as part of a team.




This week our certificate has been awarded to Nicholas for making fantastic progress using his finger spacer!


That’s it for this week, see you next week for another short 4 day week before the holidays!


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x

Time flies when you’re having fun!


Our 3 day week has passed very quickly in Year 1F, but we have still been busy bees. Read our blog to find out what we have been doing this week…




This week we have been learning about distance (length and height). Before we measured accurately, we had to estimate the length or height of an object. Then we measured distance using non-standard units (cubes) and standard units (metres and centimetres).




This week we have started work on a new story called The Jolly Postman. In this story, a postman delivers letters to lots of well-known fairy tale characters. We have done lots of character description work this week and then on Friday we were left with a problem; the postman had gone missing and we had to find him. Therefore we got to work making posters to accurately describe him; some of us even included exclamation marks and question marks in our posters.




Our photos from last week’s senses activity are at the end of our blog.


Keeping Safe


In relation to the General Election, this week we have been learning about rights and responsibilities. For example, we all have the right to feel safe but we also have the responsibility to be the best person that we can be. We found out that adults across the country are given the right to vote for a leader (Prime Minister) who is responsible for looking after our country.




We had lots of fun doing our PE lesson with Y1W this week. We took part in relay races and racing games, thinking carefully about how to move safely by changing speed and direction.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Tia for trying particularly hard in our English lessons this week. You have listened well and produced some super writing. Well done, Tia!


See you next week when we return to a normal 5 day week in school. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x




It’s week 2 in Year 1F and we are still working very hard. Read on to find about our week…




We have been practising our addition and subtraction skills this week. We then moved on to solving word problems using these skills and the ‘bar method’.




Continuing with our work on poetry, this week we read ‘Jump or Jiggle’ by Evelyn Bayer:


Frogs jump,

Caterpillars hump.


Worms wiggle,

Bugs jiggle.


Rabbits hop,

Horses clop.


Snakes slide,

Seagulls glide.


Mice creep,

Deer leap.


Puppies bounce,

Kittens pounce.


Lions stalk,

But I walk.


We then wrote our own Jump or Jiggle poem including rhyming couplets.




This week we have been learning about our senses. We did an experiment to explore our senses, investigating things that we could hear, smell, see, taste and touch. We then drew the body parts associated with these senses and wrote about what they do.




Next week we are going on a local walk, so this week we looked at our route on a map. On our walk we are hoping to find important buildings including the doctors, police station and post office.


This week we were also extremely lucky because we had a surprise visit from the Firefighters. We got to try on their uniform and even got to blast water from the hosepipe. It was so exciting! Check out the photos at the end of the blog.




We are going to be making our own ‘talking book’ about people who help us. This week we used the computer to draw a picture of a person who helps us.




This week the certificate has been awarded to Mitchell for making his teachers smile with his actions this week.


See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

Welcome Back!


Hello and welcome back to our Summer term in Year 1F. We have had a fantastic first week back. Read on to find out about our week…




This week we have been learning about number and place value. We have been learning about the value of numbers up to 100. We have found 10 more and 10 less than different numbers and explored how many tens and ones are in various numbers up to 100.




We have been learning to recite and perform poetry this week. Check out the videos at the end of our blog!




Our new Science topic is ‘Animals Including Humans’. This week we have been learning the names of our different body parts. We went outside to draw around our bodies and then label as many body parts as we could…we are loving taking our learning outside!




Our new topic is called ‘People Who Help Us’. This week we have thought about what we would like to be when we grow up. There are lots of future teachers and doctors in Year 1F!




We have been practising our throwing and catching skills outside this week…we had lots of fun in the sunshine!




The certificate this week has been awarded to Elisha for a super piece of writing about what she wants to be when she grows up.


Thanks for checking out our blog. See you next week love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

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Happy Easter!


We are so excited at the thought of getting lots of Easter treats in 3 days. Read on to find out about our ‘egg-citing’ week…




We have been learning all about position and direction this week. We began the week by learning lots of positional language (on top, under, beside, next to, in between etc.) to place Easter eggs in different positions. We then moved on to learning directional language (left, right, full turn, half turn, quarter turn) using BeeBots. The Easter Bunny had a problem- he had lost his Easter eggs and we had to help him find them using the BeeBots. However, there were lots of obstacles in our way and we had to follow different directions to help him find all of his eggs!




This week we have been looking at instructions. We began the week by making some delicious chocolate nests by following some instructions. We looked at the features of these instructions including the use of present tense and second person as well as them being bossy and given in the correct order. On Tuesday we received a letter from the Easter Bunny- he enjoyed the Easter nest that we had left for him and wanted to make some of his own. Therefore we got to work writing him some instructions for ‘how to make a chocolate nest’.


We hope you have enjoyed reading our final blog of this term. See you next term for our final term in Year 1! Have an ‘egg-cellent’ break!


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x

4 days to go…


We are on the final countdown to the Easter holidays now in Year 1F. Read on to find out about our week…




This week we have been learning how to tell the time at o’clock and half past. We even made some human clocks using number tiles and our bodies.




This week we have finished our work on Jack and the Beanstalk. We sequenced the story and explored Jack’s feelings in the story. We then went on to write a letter to the magical bean man about our trip up the beanstalk.




Following on from last week, we explored the functions of different parts of a plant. We also explored different types of plants and labelled these.




We have explored the work of Vincent van Gogh this week. Next week we are going to be recreating his famous sunflower artwork.


Keeping Safe


This week we have made friendship posters to put in our new ‘friendship station’ outside Miss Galley’s class. If anyone is ever feeling lonely, they can go to our friendship station and then others will know that we need a friend to come and play with us.


That’s it for this week! See you next week when we will be doing lots of exciting Easter activities.


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x




Fee Fi Fo Fum!


Can you guess our new English story? Read on to find out about what we have been up to…




This week we have done some activities to show our teachers all of our progress so far this year.




We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and writing setting and character descriptions about the story. We have also created some freeze frames to show events from different parts of the story. We had to freeze in different positions as if we were the characters in the story and then answer questions about how we were feeling and what was happening.




This week we have been labelling the parts of a plant and learning about which part of a plant different fruit and vegetables come from.




We have made the smoothies which we designed last week. They were delicious!


Keeping Safe


This week we have been thinking about what makes a good friend. We also had a special visit from the police who brought us a clever police dog called Charlotte. We enjoyed stroking Charlotte and asking the police officer some questions.


Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to Parents’ Evening this week.


See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x



Hello and welcome back to week 3. Have a read of our blog to find out what we have been learning about this week…




This week we have focused on number bonds and subtraction facts to 20 using counters and number lines.




We have been authors in English this week as we have added our own words to the story ‘Chalk’. We wrote about how the characters were feeling, what they were thinking, what they were saying and we finally added our own narrative to the story.




This week we have discussed where food comes from and found out that we get meat and dairy from animals and fruit and vegetables from plants. We then moved on to designing our own smoothie- we even got to taste some to help us with the design process!




Continuing with our work on plants we have made our own book of garden plants that you can see on display in class. We also went on a walk around the school grounds to spot some of the garden and wild plants that we have been learning about.


Keeping Safe


This week we have discussed our talents and what we are good at.


Well, that’s it for this week! See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x

The best week ever!


Hello and welcome back to our second week back. We think we have had the best week so far in Year 1. Read on to find out more…




We have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes this week. We thought about where we might see these shapes in everyday life and we also learned the names of these shapes. We looked at the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and some of us have also begun describing them.




This week we wrote a note about our magical chalk adventure, warning others about the mysterious and magical powers of the chalk.




In topic this week we labelled the different land use in Great Britain. We also went on our trip to Smithill’s Farm. We had so much fun! We went on tractor rides, donkey rides and even got to feed some of the farm animals. Check out the photos as the end of the blog.


World Book Day


This week brought our long anticipated World Book Day Assembly. We hoped you loved our fantastic performance and the very special songs. We all looked fantastic dressed as characters from our favourite books. Some of us also had fun taking part in the ‘book in a bottle’ competition!


Well, that’s it for this week. We have had such an exciting but tiring week in Year 1F and we certainly can’t wait for a rest at the weekend. See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

Welcome Back


Hello and welcome back to the second part of our Spring term in Year 1. We have had a busy week and can’t wait to tell you all about it…




This week we have been learning about mass/ weight. We have compared and ordered mass and measured mass using both non-standard (cubes) and standard (g/kg) units.




We have started a new book in English this week called ‘Chalk’. This is a special type of book because it is wordless. This means that there are no words and we have had to tell the story ourselves using the illustrations. In the book, some children find a bag of magic chalk. The chalk is magic because everything they draw comes to life. However, things take a turn for the worse when they draw a dinosaur that comes to life! The children quickly think of an idea to return everything back to normal and make the dinosaur disappear.


Based on this book, we have created our own magical adventure using chalk. We had lots of fun thinking about who we would meet and what would happen on our adventure and used role-play to make our adventures come to life.




This week we have started our new topic ‘Plants’. We have planted our own seeds which we are growing in our classroom and have started to learn about types of wild plants. We have created our own information book about wild plants and this is on display in our classroom.




Our new topic for this half term is called ‘Farmer, Farmer’. We have begun this topic by learning about land use in Great Britain, in particular, rural land use (countryside) and urban land use (towns and cities). We are looking forward to our trip to the farm next week to learn more about rural land use.




This week the certificate has been awarded to Charlie from demonstrating an improved, positive attitude towards his learning and at lunchtimes. Keep it up, Charlie!


We hope you have enjoyed reading about our busy week back in school. In between our lessons, we have also been busy practising for our special World Book Day assembly next Thursday. We can’t wait to show you!


See you next week for a week filled with singing, our favourite book characters and a trip to the farm.


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1 F x x x

Half way there…


Hello and welcome back to our final blog of this half term. Can you believe that we are half way through Year 1 now?! We have grown and learnt so much already. Read on to find out about our week…




This week we have been learning about doubling. This is when you add the same number again, for example 5+5=10.


We then moved on to looking at sharing (also called division). We shared objects between 2 groups and some of us even wrote the division number sentence to match this.




This week we have written a diary as if we were the little boy from ‘How to Catch a Star’. We pretended we were the little boy and wrote about our feelings, thoughts, what we did to catch the star and what the star looked like. Our diaries are on display in class.




We finished our rockets and evaluated them this week. We wrote about our favourite part of our rocket and what we would do to improve it next time.


Keeping Safe


On Tuesday it was ‘Safer Internet Day’. We watched a cartoon about safety when going online (using the internet) and made posters to teach others about e-safety. Have a look at the Keeping Safe link on the main page of our website for more information about e-safety.




In computing we have been learning how to ‘de-bug’ an algorithm- a bug is a problem/ mistake in an algorithm. Our teachers were very sneaky and put ‘bugs’ into a set of directions which our BeeBot had to follow. Therefore, our BeeBots didn’t end up in the correct place! After careful thought, we found the bugs and helped the BeeBots make it safely to their final destination.


Other News


This week we have also been practising some very special songs for a very special assembly which is coming up after half term. Watch this space for more information.


We were also very sad this week because it was Miss Mason’s last day in our class. We have loved working with Miss Mason and hope that she comes back to visit us soon.


That’s it for this week! We hope you all have a lovely half term and will see you bright and early on the 23rd February. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Miss Mason, Mrs Stubbs and Mrs Duckworth x x x

Can you catch a star?


This week we have had lots of fun thinking about stars and rockets. Read on to find out more about what we have been doing…




This week we have been learning all about multiplication and repeated addition. We have used our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help us with this. For example, 2+2+2+2+2 is the same as 2x5 or 5x2 and they are all equivalent to each other and 10. We used lots of practical resources, including arrays, to help us grasp this tricky concept.




This week we have read a new story called ‘How to Catch a Star’. This is about a little boy who loves stars very much, so he thinks of different ideas to try and catch one. He tries to go on a rocket ship to space, asks a seagull to help him and even tries to catch one with a rubber ring, but he still can’t manage to catch one. Asks the children how the story ends- we are sure they can tell you!


As part of our English work, we thought of our own ways to try and catch a star and wrote about these. We also discussed and wrote about the thoughts and feelings of the little boy at the beginning and end of the story.




This week we have used all of our knowledge from our previous science investigations to help us with our final spacesuit design.




We have had lots of fun designing and constructing rockets as part of our topic work this week. We have looked at images of rockets and space shuttles and used these to design our very own rocket/ space shuttle. We then chose the construction kit we would like to use to build our rocket and used our designs to help us in the construction process. Our final rockets were fantastic- you can see pictures of them at the end of the blog.


Keeping Safe


This week we received some ‘problems’ from children at different schools. They had experienced some unkind actions towards them and we had to think of ways that these children could deal with these unkind actions.




This week we have retold stories from the New Testament and presented them to Year 1W. Again, Mrs Forsyth was very impressed with our efforts!




This week the certificate has been awarded to Jack Pike for making us all laugh with his fantastic sense of humour.


See you next week for our final blog before our week off!! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stubbs x x

Hello again!


Hello and welcome back to week 4. We have had another jam-packed week in Year 1F. Read on to find out more about what we have been up to…




This week we have been learning all about subtraction. We know that when we subtract two numbers, we have less and the number gets smaller. We have learned how to do this with counters, images and on a number line. Some of us have also learned how to ‘find the difference’ using a special method known as the bar method. You can help us with our subtraction homework this week!




This week we have concluded our work on ‘The Way Back Home’. On Monday we received a parcel from the little boy containing different things he had collected on his adventure in space. He thought we might like to explore them, so we got to work thinking of lots of descriptive language to explain what we could see, feel and hear. We then wrote a letter to the little boy thanking him for the parcel and showing off our new vocabulary! Some of us even asked him a question at the end of the letter- we are getting good at knowing when to use question marks now.




Continuing with our work on Neil Armstrong, this week we used our research about him to create a fact file about his life.




We explored magnetism and absorbency in our science lesson this week. We found that magnetic materials attract (stick) to a magnet and absorbent materials soak up different liquids.




This week we read and re-told stories from the bible and presented them to Year 1W. Our stories were David and Goliath and Moses in the Bulrushes. Mrs Forsyth was very impressed with our loud, clear voices.


Keeping Safe


This week we discussed kind and unkind actions. We thought about times when we might have been kind or unkind and discussed how this might have made ourselves and others feel. We have created kindness posters and put these on display in our classroom.




This week the certificate has been awarded to Cody for fantastic improvements in his independent writing- well done Cody!


That’s it for this week- see you next week when we will almost be ready for the final countdown before half term!


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Stubbs and Mrs Duckworth x x x


‘The eagle has landed…’


This week we have absolutely loved continuing with our space topic! Read on to find out about what we have been doing…




This week we have re-visited addition. We have learned how to do this by combining two groups of objects to find the total and by ‘counting on’ using counters and a number line. We have also practised writing and solving addition number sentences and missing number sentences for example 6+3=? and ?+4= 10.




We have been describing the Martian and the setting from ‘The Way Back Home’ using adjective sentences and 2A sentences. A 2A sentence is when you describe a noun using 2 adjectives which are separated by a comma. For example: ‘The Martian had a slimy, green body.’




As part of our space topic we have learned about a significant person in space travel history, Neil Armstrong. He was the first man to walk on the moon. He said famous things like ‘the eagle has landed’ and ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.’ We have found out some interesting things about him…ask us about him at home!




Continuing with our spacesuit investigation, we have looked at whether materials are stretchy or stiff. We have decided that we will need to make a space suit which is stretchy and flexible so that the astronaut can move in space!




This week we have practised our throwing and catching skills.


Keeping Safe


We have discussed how to work as part of a team and ways to resolve problems if somebody isn’t working as part of a group.




This week we learned a special computing word: ALGORITHM! An algorithm is a precise set of instructions. We learned why algorithms are so important by watching a video of a man making a jam sandwich. The instructions he was given weren’t precise at all, so he made quite a mess! We decided that we could create better instructions than these, so we were very precise when instructing the grown-ups on each step of making our very own jam sandwiches. They looked good and tasted even better! Good job!




This week we have awarded the certificate to Jessika Jones for her amazing addition skills this week in maths.


That’s it for this week. Check out the photos from our exciting week below. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stubbs x x x

Hello again!


Hello and welcome to our second week back. Read on to find out about what we have been up to this week…




This week has been all about number! We have been ordering numbers, learning what numbers are made up of (their tens and ones) and also find 1 and 10 more and less than a number.




We have continued with our work on The Way Back Home and this week we thought of questions to ask the little boy so that we could find out more about him and his adventure. We even tried to use a question mark when writing some of these questions. Later on in the week we planned and wrote a letter to the little boy asking him about his trip to the moon and telling him our favourite part of his adventure.




Continuing on our mission to create a spacesuit, this week we investigated the transparency of materials. Did you know that materials you can see through are called transparent and those you cannot see through are called opaque? We decided that we would not want a transparent spacesuit due to the heat and light from the sun, however we would like some of the helmet to be see through so that the astronaut can see what he is doing in space!




As we are learning about space travel, this week we plotted significant events in space travel history on a timeline dating from the earliest to the latest event.




This week we performed a bench sequence for our friends which included different ways of travelling along a bench and different dismounts (jumps) off it.


Keeping Safe


As part of circle time this week we have discussed good and bad feelings and how to deal with these.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Jessica for growing in confidence!


Thanks for checking out our blog! Have a look at our photographs below. See you next week love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and all of Year 1F x x x

Happy New Year!


Hello and welcome back. We have certainly started 2015 in the way we mean to go on. Here is a little information about our week…




Money, money, money! This week we have been learning all about the tricky topic, ‘money’. We have been learning to recognise different coins and also the value of these coins. For example, the number of pennies which make up 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p. We then looked at different ways we could make these amounts. For example five 2ps make up 10p. We have found this quite tricky but are going to keep on practising this difficult topic.




We have started a new book called ‘The Way Back Home’. This is all about a boy who travels to space in an aeroplane. When he gets to space, he ends up stuck on the moon where he meets an alien friend who is also stuck. The little boy travels back to earth in a parachute to get the things he needs to fix the aeroplane and space ship. The alien then lowers a rope to help the little boy get back on the moon, where they both fix their vehicles before travelling back home.


As part of our work linked to this story, we have used finger puppets to help us re-tell and sequence the events. We have also thought about the thoughts and feelings of the little boy in the story. This will help us with our writing activities next week.




Our new topic is called SPACE! In our new topic we are going to be learning all about space travel. Therefore, this week we got to work researching the historical events that have happened in space travel, for example the first man on the moon and the first animal in space. We are going to be presenting our findings about these historical events to Year 1W next week.




Linked to our new topic, in science we have been set the challenge to investigate what would be the most suitable material to make a spacesuit. We have recalled the names of different materials we already know and their properties and have also thought about the features our spacesuit would need. Over the next few weeks we will be investigating materials and their properties in order to design and make a spacesuit which would include all of the necessary features.




Continuing on from last term, this week we have been practising different types of jumps, for example star jumps and straight jumps.


Keeping Safe


This week we have discussed the types of relationships we have with different people and why these are important. For example, some of us are a brother, sister, son, daughter, friend etc.




This week the certificate has been awarded to Lewis for being ‘marvellous with money’!


Can we please remind all parents how important the spelling lists are that we send home each week? These should be practised regularly with children using their spelling books that we sent out last term. Thank you.


That’s it for this week! See you next week for our first full week of 2015! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and all of Year 1F x x




Merry Christmas Everyone!


We have had a fantastic final week in school before Christmas and are now very excited because it’s just 6 more sleep until Father Christmas visits. We have created cards and decorations, had fun at our party and even sang lots of Christmas songs. There are some photos at the end of the blog to show you all the fun that we have been having- take a look!


The children are bringing home some maths and writing activities to keep them busy over the holidays, so please could you support them with this over the Christmas break? Thank you for all your support so far this year. We hope you have a lovely holiday and we will see you back bright and early on the 6th January!


Also, a big congratulations to Neve for winning the certificate this week!


Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and Miss Mason x x

1 week to go…


This week we have been enjoying more festive fun in Year 1F. Read on to find out more…




This week we have concluded our work on The Night Before Christmas. We began the week with a letter from Father Christmas explaining that one of his reindeers (Rudolph) was missing. In order to save Christmas, we got to work making lost posters, ensuring that we described Rudolph, in hope that we could find him.


We still had no news on Tuesday, therefore we decided to make some Reindeer food to tempt him back and we sprinkled this around school. Following this we wrote some instructions explaining to others how to make reindeer food so that we had more chance of finding him.


We were very relieved to receive a letter from Father Christmas later in the week as he informed us that he had found Rudolph. He also sent us a special video message telling us that we were on the nice list this year. Therefore, we wrote him a letter telling him what we would like for Christmas.




This week we have been learning about time. In particular, we have been sequencing events in the day, the days in a week and the months in a year. We have rehearsed some special songs to help us remember some of these (you might hear us singing these at home!). The months of the year song is posted at the end of this week's blog.


Following this we then moved on to learning about minutes, days and hours. Miss Moorcroft set us a special challenge to see how many different things we could do in a minute.




This week we have created some special art work in the style of Kandinsky using warm and cool colours. We can’t wait to see these up on display!




To conclude our topic, we have learned about animals that hibernate and animals that migrate. We found that lots of animals fly away to warmer countries over the Winter, whereas some animals who can’t travel long distances hibernate (have a long sleep) over Winter.




This week we used a special machine called LOGIT to record the temperature around school. We found out that the higher the number on the machine, the higher the temperature. We explored the temperature of lots of different places including the freezer, the staff room and the hall.


Keeping Safe


This week we have been learning about who helps to keep us safe at school, at home and in the wider community.


That’s it for this week, see you next week for our last week before Christmas! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and Miss Mason x x x

Months Of The Year Song Nursery Rhyme.mp4

Still image for this video

Ho, Ho, Ho…


This week we have been very festive in Year 1F. We were excited when we arrived at our classroom on Monday morning because the Elves had been in and transformed it into a Christmas Wonderland. Read on to find out more about our week…




We have begun work on our new English story, 'The Night Before Christmas.' This is a poem with lots of adjectives and similes. Therefore, we got to work writing our own sentences containing similes and adjectives to describe Father Christmas.




This week we have been learning how to half by sharing between 2 groups. To find half, you share a total number of objects equally between 2 groups and then take one of the groups away so that you are left with half. We have solved various Christmas problems and had lots of fun by halving practically.




We have been learning all about how the weather changes in different seasons and have even set up our own weather station to investigate the weather in Winter. We have made predictions for what we think the weather will be like and we will be investigating this everyday by checking the results of our weather station.




Following on from learning about hot and cold countries, we are now exploring hot and cold through Art. We have investigated different warm and cool colours and paintings and how these make us feel. Next week we will be creating our own warm and cool paintings.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Elle for being a shining star this week, not only in her learning but also in her attitude and behaviour. Keep it up Elle!


Our writer of the week is Rhys for a fantastic sentence about his toy design.


Check out our photos below. See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Miss Mason x x x x


Almost time to countdown…


We are getting very excited in Year 1 because on Monday, it is the 1st December which means we can begin our Christmas countdown. We are in for a big surprise in our classroom when we get to school on Monday too! Meanwhile, here is a little information about our week…




This week we have been impressing our teachers by showing off all of the mathematical skills we have gained so far in Year 1. We are very proud of ourselves!




This week we SAVED A WHALE! On Monday, we discovered a beached whale in our playground. It was our job to use buckets, water and teamwork to free the whale and allow him to continue his adventure in the sea. We were triumphant and thankfully, the whale is now safe once more. Following this, we got to work sequencing and reporting the event in our writing. On Thursday, we were informed that the press (news shows and newspapers) wanted to hear all about our heroic mission. We practised our speaking skills by informing the ‘reporters’ all about our mission. Then, on Friday we wrote a report (independently!!) about our adventure.




This week we have looked more in depth at what happens during each season, in particular, how the trees change.




We have continued to learn more about the Arctic this week and this afternoon (Friday) we are going to present our findings to Year 1W.


Keeping Safe


This week we have learned about hygiene and we know that this means keeping ourselves clean. We have made signs to go in our cloakroom and toilet area, reminding ourselves about good hygiene.




This week we have practised different jumps when dismounting a bench.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Jack Pike for his enthusiasm when saving a whale.

Our writer of the week is Nicholas for trying hard to perfect his handwriting.


That’s it for this week- see you next week to begin our Christmas countdown! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stubbs x x x P.s.- check out our photos below!

A glass half full…


This week we have been capacity/ volume mad. In Year 1F we are definitely ‘glass half full’ kind of people. Read on to find out more about our week…




As mentioned, this week in maths we have been learning all about capacity. This has another special maths name: volume. We began the week by exploring this practically and playing capacity bingo to introduce us to the different mathematical vocabulary: full, empty, nearly empty, nearly full. We then moved on to exploring fractions of capacity including half and quarter full. Later in the week we measured capacity using cups.




This week we have thought about the different characters the snail met on his adventure. We then wrote a letter to the whale thanking him for the special trip.




We have moved on to learning about cold places and discussed where we locate the North and South Pole on a world map. This week we have also been set a special challenge! Our job is to research the Arctic and present our findings to the other Year 1 class. We will be sending home a special learning log to help us with this challenge!




This week we have been learning about the sun and how this makes our shadow. We had great fun drawing round our shadows outside and creating shadow puppets.




We have had fun travelling along benches this week. We have also spoke about safe jumps and landings and we now know that we should always land with our knees bent.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Laycie for being the perfect role model for the rest of the class.


Our writer of the week is Bobby for his independent simile in the writing area.


That’s it for this week. Don’t forget to check out our photos below! See you next week love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and Miss Mason x x x

Working our socks off…


We are working really hard in Year 1 and becoming more sensible and mature every day. Read on to find out about our exciting second week back…




This week we have been looking at fractions and shapes. We have rehearsed a song to help us remember the different fraction names and what these fractions look like in shape form…


I’ve got a whole pizza in my hands,

I’ve got a whole pizza in my hands,

 I’ve got a whole pizza in my hands,

And now I’ll eat some up.


I’ve got half a pizza in my hands,

I’ve got half a pizza in my hands,

 I’ve got half a pizza in my hands,

And now I’ll eat some up.


I’ve got quarter of a pizza in my hands,

I’ve got quarter of a pizza in my hands,

 I’ve got quarter of a pizza in my hands,

And now I’ll eat some up.


I’ve got no pizza in my hands,

I’ve got no pizza in my hands,

 I’ve got no pizza in my hands,

It’s just an empty pan.




We have continued with our work on The Snail and the Whale and this week we have looked at describing the settings from the story. In particular, we have described the beach and iceberg setting. Later in the week, we wrote postcards from these locations, describing them to our families. Have a look at our new display board in class!




This week we have been learning about the features of hot countries and packed a suitcase to visit a hot country, thinking about the types of clothing and the weather.




This week we have been astronauts and took a visit to the sun to learn more about it. For example, did you know that the sun doesn’t move? It is also just the right distance from Earth so that it is not too hot and not too cold.


Keeping Safe


Our PSHE lessons are now known as ‘Keeping Safe’ and this week we have been learning about staying healthy. We discussed the different ways in which we could lead a healthy lifestyle and then created posters to teach everyone else in the school about some of these ways, for example by brushing your teeth twice a day and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Have a look at our new display in class!




This week we had lots of fun experimenting with different ways of travelling using our hands and feet.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Bailey for trying hard in everything that he has done this week. Keep it up Bailey!


Our independent writer of the week is Katy for her fantastic description of the snail from our English story.


Children in Need was a  great success today and the children looked fantastic- a big THANK YOU for all your donations to this very worthy cause.


Well, that’s it for this week! Come back next week to find out more about our learning in Year 1F. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and Miss Mason x x x






Welcome Back!


Hello and welcome back to the second part of our Autumn term in Year 1F. We came back to school ready and eager to learn this week. Read on to find out all about the fun we have been having this week…




This week we have been looking at patterns and sequences. We began the week by looking at patterns involving different colours and objects and we then moved on to looking at number sequences. We learned about odd and even numbers and Miss Moorcroft even taught us a special song to help us to remember them. Please help us sing this song at home!


I'm a number cruncher and my name is Bod.
I like numbers if they're odd.
All odd numbers taste just fine,
And they end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9!


I'm a number cruncher and my name is Steven.
I like numbers if they're even.
All even numbers just taste just great,
And they end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8!


We then looked at counting in 2s and used this knowledge to help us count concrete objects. We counted different arrays- this is when objects are arranged in to rows and columns to help us to count them. For example did you know that an egg box is an array? We then moved on to counting in 10s later in the week. Could you help us to practise counting in 2s and 10s at home? Thank you!




We have started a new book in English called ‘The Snail and the Whale’. This story is about an adventurous snail who hops on a whale’s tail and visits different hot and cold countries. Unfortunately, the whale gets into some trouble and ends up stuck on the beach. Don’t worry though, the snail saved the day and the whale was soon back in the ocean.


Based on this story, this week we have been describing the snail using similes and adjectives. A simile is a special type of ‘super sentence’, so this week we worked with ‘super sentence man’ again. He told us that a simile is when you compare two things using ‘like a’ or ‘as a’. For example, ‘he was slimy like goo’ and ‘his shell was as hard as a rock’.




Our new topic for this half term is ‘Hot and Cold’. This week we were introduced to a world map and used this to locate different countries and places that we have visited. We talked about the location of hot and cold countries in relation to the equator and north/ south poles and we are looking forward to learning more about hot and cold countries over the next few weeks.




Our new science topic is all about seasonal change. This week we found out the names of the different seasons and also the features of these seasons. We looked at which season our birthday is in and had lots of fun exploring this practically.




This week we discussed how we can stay safe outside of school, for example when crossing the road and walking to school.




We had fun exploring different ways of moving using our feet this week. We skipped, hopped, jumped and strode around the hall.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Lewis for his fantastic simile to describe the snail: ‘The snail was as lucky as a rich man because he went on an adventure.’


Our writer of the week this week is Amelia for her fantastic holiday booking form in the new ‘Travel Agents’ role play.


Thank you for all your support with the maths and spelling homework that is sent out every Thursday/ Friday- your support at home is crucial in supporting children’s progress in school. Please remember that the spelling books sent home can remain at home and used to practise the children’s weekly spelling list.


Take a look at this week’s photos below. See you next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Miss Mason and Mrs Stubbs x x x



Happy Half Term!!


After 8 long, fun weeks in Year 1 we are finally ready for a well-deserved rest. Read on to find out about week 8 and our Halloween themed activities…




This week we had a special visitor in Year 1. Her name was Winifred the Witch (Mrs Stubbs’ wicked twin sister). Winifred brought us the ingredients to make a magical potion. The ingredients included frog wee, dragon blood, snake skin, wiggly worms and lizard snot. When we added the last ingredient to the potion, the mixture bubbled and overflowed. Miss Moorcroft tasted the potion to see what would happen- we were very shocked when she started making animal noises!!! Thankfully, Winfred said the magic words ‘ABRACADABRA!’ and reversed the effect of the potion.


Following on from our fun making the magical potion, we then worked very hard to design a magical potion, we also wrote a list of potion ingredients and finally created some instructions for how to make a magical potion! Our writing is improving by the day.




This week we finished work on number bonds and moved on to some statistics work. This is where you find out information about something, and this week we wanted to find out information about favourite Halloween costumes in Year 1. We made tally charts and pictograms to gather this information and then answered questions to explain what our results showed us.




We have finished our ‘All About Me’ fact files and uploaded these to the website- you can see them at the end of this blog.




This week we have been busy making and decorating buildings from Montrose Avenue. Have a look at our finished products in the slideshow at the end of this blog.




This week we discussed our hopes for after half term and how we could improve our classroom community. We had lots of different ideas including not dropping litter on the floor and always completing our ‘challenges of the week’. We are sure we will stick to our new promises.




This week the certificate has been awarded to Sara-Jane for always trying hard in everything that she does and always being willing to give a helping hand.


Well, that’s it for this week and our first half term in Year 1F. Tonight we are sending home spelling lists and books for you to practise spelling with us at home. If you do this with us little and often, we are sure to get even better at spelling! We will also have maths homework and our reading books to keep us busy over half term. Don't forget that we get rewarded with lots of well done tokens for doing our homework and homework is also very important in helping us make lots of progress.


Have a lovely, restful half term and we will see you bright and early on Monday 3rd November! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Miss Mason and Mrs Stubbs x x x


PS Don’t forget to check out our fact files and photos below!




1 more week to go…


Can you believe it is almost half term already? Time has flown in Year 1…read on to find out about our week…




We are reading the story of the 3 Little Pigs in English at the moment and this week we met the wolf from the story! We asked him lots of different questions to find out more about him. We then got to work describing his appearance and his feelings and finally we did an independent piece of writing to describe the Big, Bad Wolf!




In maths this week we have been learning about number bonds to 5/10. These are two numbers which make 5 or 10 when you add them together. We are enjoying singing our number bond song at the moment and it is really helping us to learn our number bonds to 10, so please can you practise this with us at home? Thank you!




This week we helped to fix Miss Moorcroft’s torn umbrella! She had a hole in her umbrella, so it was our job to choose a suitable (waterproof) material to repair it. We tested 3 different materials (newspaper, plastic and net) using beakers, pipettes and plastic ‘people’. We discovered that plastic was best as this kept the plastic ‘people’ dry and didn’t rip- it was waterproof!




Next week we are going to be building Montrose Avenue (following on from our local walk), therefore this week we got busy designing local buildings. Watch this space to see our fantastic models next week.




This week we have finished our fact files by creating self-portraits and copying/ pasting these in to Word. Look out for next week’s blog because we will have uploaded our finished fact files!




We had lots of fun with Mrs Forsyth this week as we used our animal masks to walk two by two on to Noah’s Ark. Have a look at the video at the end of our blog!




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Rhys for his convincing portrayal of the Big, Bad Wolf.


Our writer of the week for last week was Tia for her super adjectives to describe the woods.


That’s it for this week, see you next week to find out about our final week of this half term. Check out the photos from our week below! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stubbs x x x

Y1W Noahs Ark.avi

Still image for this video

Thanks for coming!


We would like to start this week’s blog by saying a huge THANK YOU to parents and carers who attended parents’ evening this week. It was lovely to speak to you all and let you know how your child has settled in to Year 1.


Here is some information about what we have been up to this week…




This week has been all about subtraction. We discovered that there are lots of mathematical words associated with subtraction including take away, less, smaller, fewer and minus. We extended our subtraction skills in lots of different ways using counters and pictures. We even wrote our own subtraction number sentences, for example, 10-4=6! Could you please help us with our subtraction homework this week?




This week we concluded our work on ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We looked more in depth at the woods setting in the story and thought of adjectives to describe what we could see and what we could hear. The children used some fantastic adjectives, for example Lewis said he could hear ‘rustling leaves’ and George described the woods as ‘gloomy’! We are so pleased with the amazing adjectives children are using in their work.




This week we made some new houses for the 3 Little Pigs because they decided that bricks were too expensive to use. We investigated the strength of different materials including plastic, foil, fabric and paper and again used our wolf ‘hair dryer’ to try and blow the houses down. We found out that the plastic house was the strongest because it didn’t fall over or move when the hair dryer was on. Again, we practised making predictions and comparing these to the results from our experiment... we are certainly becoming super scientists.




This week we have been on a local walk and observed some local landmarks and discussed the differences between old and new building in our local area. We certainly know a lot about where we live and particularly enjoyed talking about the DW stadium and why this is significant in Wigan. Our little legs are certainly tired now!




This week we have started to choreograph a Gruffalo dance, moving our bodies to the music.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Katy Lee for her fantastic drawing skills…we are sure Katy would make a brilliant artist one day!


Our writer of the week last week was Ella, for her amazing writing about Little Red Riding Hood.


Check out some photographs from our week below! See you next week for another update on our weekly learning. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and all of Year 1F x x

If you go down to the woods…


…you will find Little Red Riding Hood! This week we have had fun learning about Little Red Riding Hood. Read on to find out more about our week…




This week we have started our new story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We began the week by reading the story in the ALPs and then ‘hot seated’ some of the characters. This is where we asked the characters different questions to find out more about them. We then moved on to using adjectives to describe the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. Finally, we have created a character description of our chosen character and drawn a picture to match this.




We have been learning all about ADDITION this week! We know that this is when you combine two numbers/ groups, so our number gets bigger/ greater and we have more. We found out that there is a special symbol for addition that looks like this ‘+’. We also learned how to write number sentences, for example: 6+4=10. Can you help us with our addition homework at home?




In science this week we read the story of the ‘3 Little Pigs’. It was our job to predict (have a sensible guess) which house would be the strongest when the ‘wolf’ tried to blow them down. Miss Moorcroft (and some volunteers) built the houses as they read the story and then some children were chosen to try and blow the house down using a hair dryer. We found out that the house made of bricks was the strongest because it didn’t blow over. Many of our predictions matched our results.




This week we began to transfer our written fact files to Microsoft Word. We are getting good at word processing now- some of us even added clipart to our fact file!




Next week we are going on a local walk as we wanted to learn more about where we live. Therefore, this week we plotted our route using a map. We can’t wait to follow our maps next week…



We have continued to explore story characters and their different ways of moving.



This week’s certificate has been awarded to Oliver for settling in to his new school and showing lovely manners to other children and teachers.


Check out our photos below! See you next week. Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Stubbs and all of Year 1F x x



Goodbye Gruffalo!!


This week was our favourite week yet in Year 1- we finally caught the Gruffalo! Read on to find out about our adventures this week…




On Monday we went to the ALPs to build a trap to catch the Gruffalo. We used large sheets of material and rope to make the trap and then used some of the Gruffalo’s favourite foods to lure him in!! After lunch, we found out that we were successful in catching the Gruffalo- special cameras in the ALPs revealed footage of the Gruffalo hidden under the trap. We are so proud of our success! We don’t want him around school again, so our teachers have taken him far far away so he will never be seen again (hopefully)!


Following our ALPs adventure, we wrote a list of things you need to make a trap. We also wrote some instructions about ‘how to make a trap’ just in case any teachers want to catch a wild animal in the ALPs and they weren’t quite sure how to make one.




This week has been all about measure. We began the week learning about weight/ mass and used special words like heavy and light to describe the weight of everyday objects from around the classroom. We then used cubes to measure different objects, for example- did you know that a pencil weighs 1 cube?


After weight we moved on to learning about length and height. We used special maths words like long, short and tall to describe length and height. Some of us ordered snakes according to their length and others used cubes to measure the length and height of different objects.




In science this week we discovered more about why different materials have different jobs. For example, why do we have glass windows and why do we have metal gates? We went on a material hunt around school with our partners, and explained to them why different materials are used for different parts of our school.


Later in the week, we received a letter explaining that there were plans for a new 'silly school' to be built. This school would have fabric walls, wooden windows and glass uniforms!!! It was our job to prove that this was a bad idea and show teachers why materials are suited to different jobs. We certainly impressed them with our scientific knowledge!!




We had a special visitor this week. He is called John and is a governor of our school. John came in to tell us about what life was like in the past when he was younger. We thought about different questions to ask him including: What did you have inside your house? Where did you go on holiday? What was your favourite toy?


We enjoyed meeting John and were amazed about how is life was so different to our own!




As our topic is ‘All About Me’ we are making a fact file of non-personal information all about ourselves. Next week we are going to be inputting this information on to the computer and thinking about changing the font size and colour!




This week’s certificate has been awarded to Nicholas for being an enthusiastic scientist and helping to prevent the new "silly school" from being built!


Have a look at photos from our exciting week below! See you next week when we will be learning all about Little Red Riding Hood! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stubbs x x x


Busy Bees!


This week has been a fantastic week in Year 1F- we have all worked really hard! Read on to find out more about it…




This week we have completed more number work. We have looked at comparing and ordering numbers and also finding one more and one less. Any number recognition and number formation activities you could complete with us at home would be a great help!




We got to work designing our own Gruffalo food this week. We know that the Gruffalo likes to eat lots of strange foods including owl ice cream, scrambled snake and roasted fox. Therefore, we created our own plate of ‘Gruffalo food’- they were most imaginative! As we are still yet to catch the Gruffalo, we decided it would be a good idea to buy some of these foods to try and lure him back to school. We wrote Miss Moorcroft a shopping list so she can buy them at the weekend!




We are becoming super scientists in Year 1F and this week we discovered the names of different materials including wood, glass, plastic and metal. We tried hard to identify objects that are made of these different materials around the classroom! Maybe you could help us identify some of these materials at home?




This week we have explored old and new toys. We got to play with some toys that children would have played with in the past and also explored some of the toys that we play with today. We identified the difference between old and new toys and sorted these according to this criteria.




This week we learned a new game called ‘Hedgehogs’. The adults covered a child with a blanket and the other children had to guess which child it was. We then had to say something nice about that child!




In PE this week we moved like some of the characters from ‘The Gruffalo’ story.




This week’s certificate winner was Ella for going over and above with her reading at home.


Our writer of the week displayed in class this week is Elle! Come and take a look at their fantastic work!


Here are some photos of our busy week below. See you next week love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x x

Time flies when you’re having fun…


We can’t believe we have spent our second week in Year 1. We are really settling in now and getting used to the classroom and our new way of working. Here is an update on our week…




This week we have been practising our counting skills and reading/ writing numerals to 20 and beyond. We have played lots of different games to help us with this. Could you help us to recognise different numbers and practise writing these with us? Thank you!




We have continued working with the story ‘The Gruffalo’ this week and in particular have focused on the mouse from the story. We have been introduced to ‘super sentence’ man who asked us to write a special type of sentence about the mouse: an adjective sentence.  This is where an adjective is used to describe a noun (a person, place or thing). For example, ‘It has fluffy fur’. This year we will be working with ‘super sentence man’ to incorporate lots of different types of ‘super sentences’ into our writing.




This week we have been working on sorting materials according to their properties. We categorised objects in to rough/smooth and hard/soft.




We have been artists this week as we practised our sketching skills in our very own sketchbook. We then used these sketching skills to create a self-portrait so that we could show others what we look like. Our fantastic sketches will be on display in the shared area soon.




This week we started a series of dance lessons. Our first lesson encouraged us to think about travelling in different ways, for example in zig-zag, diagonal and curved lines on our tummies, back and feet.




This week’s certificate has been awarded to George Harrison for his super behaviour and sensible attitude towards his learning. 


Our ‘independent writers of the week’ for this week and last week are Neve and Megan for some fantastic independent writing related to The Gruffalo. Their work has been displayed in our special photo frame in class.


Thank you for reading our blog and we hope to see you again next week! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all of Year 1F x x


Enjoy the photos from our week below!!

Welcome to Year 1!


Hello and welcome to Year 1! We have had such a busy and exciting week getting to know our new classroom and settling in to Year 1. Read on to find out more about our week…




This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and using super special maths words to describe them. We have been on shape hunts, played shape games and even made shape models.




For the next few weeks we will be learning all about the ‘Gruffalo’. This week we have been fantastic actors and actresses as we re-enacted the story! We then sequenced the story and wrote about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the book. Finally, today we have designed our own fictional creature, just like the Gruffalo! Next week we will be writing about our creature using adjectives to describe them.




Our new topic in science is ‘materials’. This week we have thought of different words we could use to describe different materials such as 'hard' 'soft' 'rough' and 'smooth'.




Our new topic for this half term is ‘All About Me!’ This week we have been thinking hard about what we would like to learn about in this new topic.




In circle time this week we have discussed our ‘Class Charter’ and have decided what will make us all happy in Year 1. We have a special circle time puppet called Tatty Teddy!




Every week in assembly, someone from each class gets selected to receive a special certificate! A child from each key stage is then chosen to take a special trophy home for the week. This week our certificate winner was Kinsley for an outstanding start to Year 1!


Well, that’s it for this week. We will see you again next week where you can read more about our exciting time in Year 1F! Love from Miss Moorcroft, Mrs Duckworth and all children from Year 1F x x x (P.S. You can check out some photos from our week below…)
