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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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W/B 13/09/2021

We are Pre-school Room 1!

This week we have been settling in to Pre-school life, learning all about the rules and routines of our day. We have had our photo taken for our peg, so we are able to find were to put our bags and coats independently.


We have been superstars when going to the hall for dinner. 
We encourage the children to eat their sandwiches first before they eat the rest of their goodies, which they have been brilliant at doing.

A few reminders regarding packed lunches -
* Please ensure your child has a drink.

* If your child has a tub yoghurt, pack a spoon.

* Grapes - these are a major choking hazard for the children, please ensure if your child has grapes in their lunch, the grapes are cut horizontally. If they are not cut we are unable to let your child have them.

When we are in the dinner hall, we have no access to get drinks, spoons etc so it is really important that your child already has these in their bags.

Session times - 

Pre - school session times are either:

8.30am - 11.20am or 8.50am - 2.55pm or 12.00pm - 2.45pm, depending on what session time you have booked for your child.

Due to class bubbles, if your child is late on arrival or being collected, you will have to wait for the staff to bring your child back out to the gate as we cannot bring them out when the other Pre-school class are at the gate. It’s really important that you are on time.
