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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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W/B 22/04/24

This week we have been very busy refocusing on numbers and colours.


At snack time we asked the children how many pieces of fruit or toast they would like, encouraging the children to use numbers.

We also made rainbow 🌈 toast (milk mixed with food colouring) asking the children what colours they would like to paint their bread. The children also did really well at pouring their own drinks.

This week in the hall we played with a parachute and balls, we asked the children the colours of the balls and counted the colours onto the parachute. We then shook they parachute, slow and then fast so the balls all flew off the parachute and then the children ran around to collect them all up and we counted them back into the box.

The monster shape game, the children amazed us playing this game, they where confident in recognising the shapes, finding the shape to put on their board and waited really well for their turn 🤩

We looked at the numbers on the flowers and encouraged children to put the same amount of petals on the flower stem.

Practicing using scissors, to cut leaves, straws and play dough.

Free painting

The children arranged the shapes and made amazing flower pictures 🌸 

Little builders 🧱 🦺 🚧 

Continuous Provision 
