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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Butterfly Room

Ditch The Dummy!! Dummies can have an impact on children's speech. Did you know 50% of children who use a dummy are referred to Speech and language therapy.

Below is a video on how to help wean your child off the dummy.

Please find below some links to some videos from BBC Tiny Happy People that you may find useful to help you child learn new words and supporting emotional development and wellbeing. 

Why do toddlers have tantrums and what can you do to help them?

Household jobs like sorting out laundry can be a great conversation starter with your little one.

There are so many interesting things to spot and chat about when you look out of the window.

Please take time to watch these helpful videos about games you can play with your child at home to help support their communication and language. 


This game is great for helping your child follow simple instructions.


Taking turns whilst playing and talking helps your child to learn conversation skills.

Practicing taking turns also helps with sharing and social skills.

To raise money for Derain house we are selling these festive friends, they are available from the office for £3 each (cash only)

Here is a link for a website called Tiny Happy People, please take time to explore this at home it is an amazing website full of simple activities and play ideas to help develop your child's language skills. 

Children's language development and parenting advice - BBC Tiny Happy People

Due to ongoing issues with our bell not working, we have new designated gate opening times of 8.20, 8.45 and 9.00am. If you arrive in between these times you will have to wait until the next gate opening time. This is also to ease disruption within the room. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have any problems or concerns don't hesitate to contact the room directly on 01942 776007 extension number 1022


Thank You Toni


Welcome to the Butterfly Room blog 🦋 Here is where you will find all the lovely photographs we have taken of what we have been up to throughout the week and any key information will be posted here.

The butterfly room team consists of Toni (room senior) Lauren M (SENDCO) Ashley, Vanessa and Lauren B who are all key persons. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask or ring us on 01942 776015
Take a look below at some photos from the Butterfly Room 🦋 
