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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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W/B 5/02/24

As it is Valentine’s Day 💝 next week we have done some activities around this and on Saturday it is Chinese New Year 🐉 the children really enjoyed trying some Chinese food and we watched videos of Chinese dragon dancing and made our own dragon masks.

The children loved baking valentines biscuits ❤️ we talked about what ingredients we was using and counted the cupfuls into the bowl and mixed them all up.

Tuesday’s baking 

Thursday’s baking

The children really enjoyed trying spring rolls, prawn crackers and noodles.

We provided chop sticks and hula hoops and encouraged the children to pick up the hula hoops with the chop sticks and thread them onto the chop sticks.

The children then decided they was going to use the bowls and chopsticks as drums and we encouraged the children to stop, go and play faster and slower.

Making Valentines pictures ❤️ 

Making a dragon mask

We created an obstacle course and encouraged the children to balance, step in and out and go through the tunnel.

The children enjoyed playing a game this encouraged the children to take turns.

Continuous provision 
