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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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W/B 29/04/24

This week we have been enjoying reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and today (Thursday) we received a very special surprise of caterpillars that we are going to watch grow into big fat caterpillars 🐛 and turn into butterflies 🦋 


Some of the children have been talking about going on holiday on an aeroplane so we set up our very own roleplay aeroplane and went to the beach. The children packed their bags and had their passports ✈️ 


We have also been exploring spring flowers in different ways this week 🌸 

Painting with flowers 💐 

Practicing our scissor skills cutting flowers and play dough ✂️ 💐 

We made soup spring soup, exploring flowers, grass, leaves and herbs with water 🌿 🥣 

 ‘We’re all going on a summer holiday’ ☀️ ✈️ 

“Big aeroplane ✈️ small aeroplane 🛩️”

Painting butterflies 🦋 

👀 looking at our caterpillars 🐛 

Hall time fun

The children initiated their own game of ‘ring a roses’ they all held hands together and sang the song, encouraging others to join in 😀

The children did really well in counting the fruit that the caterpillar ate and putting them on the correct number mats 🐛 

“Lie down and go sleep, I read you a story” ❤️

Cooling down with an ice pop 🧊 

Continuous provision 
