As you know at Westfield we recognise the importance of attendance and punctuality, we are constantly monitoring and looking at ways to maintain and improve this with the support of parents, school and children.
The National Average attendance for a primary school age child is 96%.
Below are some examples of how we promote and maintain outstanding attendance here at Westfield:
* Weekly class attendance figures and whole school attendance are displayed on the home page of our website.
* Traffic light system (Red, Amber and Green letters).
The letters go out at the end of each term.
* Attendance board in the Large Hall for all the children and staff to see, the board is updated on a weekly basis and is referred to during assemblies by Senior Leadership Team.
* The class that achieves the highest attendance for the week receive a certificate plus they get to wear their own clothes on Friday.
* The class with the highest attendance for the week wear their own clothes on Friday to celebrate their achievement.
* At the end of each half term the children who have achieved 100% attendance all receive a certificate.
* Children who have achieved 96% or above also celebrate their achievement in assembly.
* Attendance shields presented to the Year with the best attendance at the end of each term.
* Regular late gates to monitor and recognise patterns of poor punctuality, on identifying this, letters are sent inviting parents into school to discuss what we can do to support them so that punctuality improves.
* A targeted Breakfast Club for Year 5 and 6, this is to encourage children to attend on a regular basis and to highlight the importance of punctuality..
* Letters home to parents regarding punctuality and attendance on a half termly basis.
* Inviting parents into school to attend attendance meetings for children below 90%.
* At the end of the academic year all children that have achieved 100% for that year receive a gold badge plus a trip to the cinema.