Hello and welcome to our 3F Class Blog for this week.
Wow, what a busy, fun week we have had!
A very big well done to our class ‘Pupil of the Week’ Amelia, who was chosen for this week’s award as she has shown a massive improvement in her reading both at home and school. Keep up the great work Amelia!
Well done as always to our ‘Reading Superstars’. These are the children in our class who have read at home each day this week and remembered to bring in their Reading Record book signed. We are having a big focus on reading as it is so essential to the progress that children make. Please can we ask for all our parents support with this. Thank you.
A special mention also to those children who achieved their spelling band this week. Keep practising everyone, let’s see those badges worn proudly in 3F!
In English, we have finished looking at ‘Vesuvuis Poovius’ by Kes Gray. We started the week by writing a character description of Vesuvius, thinking about what he looks like and his personality. After that, we wrote a diary entry from the point of view of Vesuvius for the day he invented the toilet and wrote the letter to the Emperor. Finally, we reviewed the book, including which was our favourite part, who we would recommend it to and why. We really enjoyed doing this as we all agreed that it was a great, hilarious book that we had thoroughly enjoyed.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about measurement. We started by converting between cm and mm. After that, we compared and then ordered lengths. Some of us have found this tricky so it would be great if you could help by practise this at home.
A very special mention to those children who have achieved their 2s,5s, and 10s times table band. Keep up the great work, you are fantastic!
In Science this week, we continued looking at 'Light' and started by proving that light travels in straight lines. We used pieces of paper with a hole punched in each and shone a torch through the holes when they were in a straight line, so the light could be seen on the last piece of paper. We then looked at what happens when the holes aren’t lined up and found out there was no light shining on the last piece of paper. We loved exploring with the torches!
After that, we carried out on investigation to find out the best material to use to make curtains. We found out that the material would have to be opaque as this blocks light. In our investigation we shone a torch onto different materials and looked at the darkness of the shadow that was formed.
On Tuesday this week it was Internet Safety Day. We started by discussing and sharing our ideas about how to stay safe online, then wrote our own instructions to help others. We really impressed Mrs Bradley-Baker with our ideas!
In computing, we learnt about our digital footprint and how photographs we put online give an impression of us. We thought about how we would like to be seen online and how to achieve this.
We have had a real focus on our Romans topic this week. Firstly, we learnt all about Roman Mosaics and then designed our own mosaic. Then, today we have had a great time with two Roman visitors in our class all day. Tiberius was a Roman soldier and Guyus a retired soldier. We have learnt all about their lives as Romans, for example:
· Why they joined the army.
· What they had to learn to be a soldier.
· What their equipment was used for.
· Why they wanted to conquer Britain.
· How the Romans defeated the Britons and squashed the rebellion of Boudicca.
· The benefits of becoming a citizen.
· Living in a Roman town.
· Life as a captured Briton.
We particularly loved taking part in a Roman march! We hope the children have all come home and told you lots about what they have learnt today!
We hope you have enjoyed our blog and will visit again next week.
Have a lovely weekend and take care,
From Everyone in 3F