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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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10th November

Welcome to our blog….

Maths – we have been working on the 3, 4 and 8 times table this week. Chanting them and counting in 3’s 4’s and 8’s. The children have been working on lots of multiplication and division calculations and have been very successful.


English – This week we have been focussing on speech. The children wrote in speech bubbles the conversation they thought might have been said between Om and the little boy. (two characters from the book The Stone Age Boy)

The next day the children then wrote this conversation out using speech marks and identifying the speaker. All the children were very accurate in the placing of speech marks but from time to time we did forget to include who was speaking…. ooops. However, the teachers were very impressed as this is the first time the children have written speech…. Very well done ….

French – The children continued to work on numbers to 20, greeting, colours, names of animals and days of the week. All the children really enjoy these sessions and are working hard and becoming much more confident in speaking in French.
