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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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12th January



This week we have been continuing to learn all about People Who Help Us.


We have thought about the more specific jobs people have that help us, and discussed in groups about who could help us if we had a problem.


We now know that if we get lost we could ask a police officer- but if we are in a shop we could always ask the shopkeeper.


We know if there is a fire we have to ring a firefighter- they are the people who drive the big red fire engines and have hosepipes to put out the fire.


We also know that if we have toothache we don't ring the doctor- we have to ring the dentist.  We will be learning more about the dentist next week.



We have been very busy in continuous provision too.....Mrs Rothwell has been very pleased this week with all the independent learning that has been happening.


Some children have been exploring the water tray- they were very careful in pouring the water so that it wouldn't spill on the floor.  This is very tricky for our little hands and muscles but we were fabulous!



There has also been lots of independent writing happening in the classroom, some of us giving meanings to our marks and others beginning to form recognisable letters!  Some of us have even been writing cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words on our own at the writing table!  
On Wednesday Mrs Rothwell and Mrs O'Brien's group went to hall to practice there rolling and jumoing skills.  We are building up lots of different ways of moving to create a small gymnastics routine towards the end of the half term.  So please keep your eye out for the videos!  Mason D blew us away by his skill of tuck jumping and Evan's rolling was amazing!

Back in the classroom Mrs Littler and Miss Hayley's group have been practising their fine motor skills by using scissors to cut playdough and manipulate the playdough to make their own designs.

Mrs Littler was very proud of all the children for trying their best and not giving up......scissors are hard to use!


We have also welcomed a few more children into 4 years old club this week!


Hope you all had a lovely birthday!


Please pop by next week to find out how we got on at the dentist's surgery!


