What a busy week that was!
Well done to all of the children for their impeccable behaviour through a busy period of time.
On Monday we began to write our letters to Santa. The children drew pictures and talked about what they would like Santa to bring them at Christmas. We discussed as a class that Santa may not be able to bring everything they want but he will bring a very special present for them made by his elves.
On Tuesday we prepared for our Nativity by practising our songs in the classroom on our stage. The children all knew when to come on and off the stage and were fabulous at singing all of the songs!
On Wednesday it was showtime! All of the hard work the children had put in over the past two weeks came to fruition on Wednesday afternoon. We had so many children who were tired and have been poorly but they shone like the little stars they are in the Nativity show. Thank you to all of the parents and family members that attended and made it extra special for the children. They loved every minute of it!
On Thursday we had a well deserved rest away from school as it was Polling Day.
On Friday we enjoyed making paper chains, Christmas cone characters and continued to make our surprises for parents and family in the classroom. We intend to give out your child's work on the last day they attend pre-school next week.
We are inviting ALL children to the party on Thursday morning.
If your child does not usually attend pre-school on Thursdays, please bring them to pre-school via the green gate at 9am on Thursday and collect them again at 11.30am
If your child usually attends in the afternoon 12.10-3.10, please bring them to pre-school at 9am and collect them at 11.30am- there will be no afternoon pre-school session for your child on Thursday.
If your child usually attends on Thursdays, including morning only children, there will be no change to your usual schedule.
and finally.....
This week we welcomed another child into the number 4 club!
Happy Birthday!
Have a lovely weekend.
See you all next week