What a busy few weeks we have had!
In English we read 'The Polar Express'
We watched a clip of the movie, when the boy is asleep on Christmas Eve and is awoken by a strange sound and everything in the room starts to rattle, there is a bright light through the window and the boy rushes outside to see a train in front of him and then the Conductor invites him to come on board, just as the train starts to pull away the boy jumps on. Over several days we thought about what the boy could hear, see and about how he might feel, after thinking of adjectives and adverbs to describe the nouns and verbs, we went on to write a diary entry as if we were that boy on Christmas Eve!
In Maths we have been learning about Multiplication.
We are now learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables, and we played a game on the interactive whiteboard called Hit the button on Topmarks, have a look for it at home if you have access to the internet.
Our Topic this half term has been 'A Journey Around the UK.'
We have continued to learn about the four countries that make up the UK, their capitals, landmarks, the language they speak and some of the foods they are most known for.
On Tuesday we had our drop in Open Evening, thanks to those parents who ere able to come, the children enjoyed sharing their work with you and it was lovely to chat and share how proud we are of them and ways you can continue to support them in their learning.
We ended the week with our Y2 Party. Come back soon and we will add some photos so you can see what we got up to!
Next week we will be continuing to prepare for Christmas, as well as watching the film of 'The Polar Express'.
Have a great weekend and watch out for some photos of our end of term antics.
Mrs Saunders, Mrs Haselden, Mrs Folksman
and All the children in Y2F