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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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16th December 2016

Hello and a very big welcome to our 3F Class Blog.smiley


Wow, what a week we have all had!


Our BIG highlight this week has been ‘The Westfield Christmas Bake Off’. Thank you so much to all those children in our class (and all their helpers at home!) who entered the competition to be ‘Class Star Baker’. A special mention and well done goes to Charlie, our class winner, who made an amazing entry. Have a look at the fantastic designs from everyone below …

We are so proud of you all! We also enjoyed designing our whole class entry which was themed on ‘The Snowman’ book we have been using in class. Have a look at some of the fabulous class entries …

We all had great fun looking at all the designs in every class, it was truly a great day.


Our class ‘Pupil of the Week’ is Bobby-Joe for his 100% commitment to our ‘Respect’ value. His super achievement was recognised by the whole school as he was also chosen as the Year 3/4 overall winner. A true gentleman, well done Bobby-Joe! smileyno



In English, we have continued to use ‘The Snowman’ wordless book by Raymond Briggs. First we created a story plan, including the characters, settings, opening, build up, climax and ending. Then we went on to write our own story using adjectives, adverbs, similes and speech. Some of us even included fronted adverbials! We have also continued to practise our joined handwriting.

Our superstar readers have continued to impress us by reading every day at home, which is making a huge difference to their fluency and understanding of what they have read. We have enjoyed using a book called ‘Bones’ in our reading groups to focus on improving our understanding of what we have read.


In Maths, we have been working hard on our times tables, focussing on the 2s,5s,10s, 4s,8s and 3s in that order. Please continue to work on these at home, including the inverses, for eg:

6 x 4 = 24

4 x 6 = 24

24 ÷ 4 = 6

24 ÷ 6 = 4


We also drew arrays and have been introduced to using the grid method to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit. We started by looking at our teens numbers, eg 14 x 2, then some of us were challenged to work with larger numbers, eg 86 x 4. Wow, some of us were real stars at this!smileyno


In Science, we have had great fun learning all about ‘Soil’ and how it is made. Then we went on investigate the permeability of different soils – sandy, clay, chalk and peat.

Have a look at what we did …

We then talked about which soil would be best to grow our plants in and why, so really thinking and applying what we have learnt.


In PE, we have been ‘Orienteering’ on the ALPS, our outdoor learning area. We had to work closely in teams and follow the clues…great fun!

We are now all getting very excited as we count down to Christmas and are looking forward to a fun week next week.


Thank you for visit our blog and we hope you’ll join us again next week to see what we have been doing.


From All in Class 3F smiley
