This week we have been learning all about the story 'Oliver's vegetables'.
We have been exploring onions, celery, potatoes, green beans, beetroot, carrots and peas. WE have been thinking about where vegetables come from and what they need to grow.
We have loved using the knives to cut the vegetables and use all of our senses to explore them. In fact, Lucas P loved it so much he went home and made a vegetable soup with his Mum. She says we have created a mini chef! Well done Lucas for continuing your learning at home!
But then on Thursday we made REAL soup.
We made pea soup just like Oliver did with his Grandad in the story. We chopped up the vegetables we needed, put in the water and cooked it.
After dinner, we had it for our afternoon snack with a slice of bread that we buttered all by ourselves. We are so independent!
Next week we are going to be following Oliver into another book called 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'
Its going to be another interesting week!