Hello and welcome to our 3F Class Blog for this week.
Wow, just where has this half term gone, the time has flown by with us having fun and learning lots!
Firstly, we would like to say a very special mention to Oscar, our class ‘Pupil of the Week’, who was chosen for this week’s award as he completed his ‘Roman Soldier Job Application’ homework with such great enthusiasm and effort. Well done Oscarmus Henryus!
Well done also to our ‘Reading Superstars’. These are the children in our class who have read at home each day this week and remembered to bring in their Reading Record book signed. We are having a big focus on reading as it is so essential to the progress that children make. Please can we ask for all our parents support with this. Thank you.
A special mention also to those children who achieved the spelling badge or times table band they have been working on this week. Keep practising everyone, let’s see those badges and bands worn proudly in 3F!
In English, we started the week by planning and then writing a recount of the Roman Visitor Day that we all thoroughly enjoyed in school last Friday. After half term, we are going to be looking at Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’ so we have been preparing by reading the book and watching the movie. If you have the book at home or are able to loan a copy from the local library, it would be a great help to your child to continue reading the story at home together.
In Maths this week, we have been continuing to learn about measurement by looking at ‘Perimeter’. We know that perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape. We started worked out perimeters by measuring the sides of shapes to the nearest centimetre. After that, we used a trundle wheel to measure larger perimeters in metres, for example our classroom and corridor perimeter. Next, we learnt how to draw shapes with given perimeters. We were so good at this that we finally went on to find the side lengths of squares using the perimeter that we had been given … How amazing are we!
In computing, we researched questions on the internet and in books to use in our ‘Scratch Roman Quiz’ that we have been designing. We are looking forward to programming them into Scratch and seeing them work.
Science this week, has been all about sun safety. We have looked at how the sun affects our body and how to stay safe by protecting ourselves. We used our knowledge to design a pair of sunglasses or a hat, then created a ‘Sun Safety Advert’ to explain the harmful effects of the sun and how our product protects against them.
In our Romans topic, we created our Mosaic that we designed last week using small square coloured paper tiles. Some of the results were really impressive!
French this week, was learning all about the life and work of Claude Monet, the famous French Impressionist painter. We explored sketching in the style of Monet and tried reproducing Monet’s ‘Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies’ that he produced in his garden at Giverny.
In PE, we have continued with Basketball and been learning shooting skills. It was great to be outdoors on the MUGA and practising our skills. Wow, we were so impressed when our shots made it into our team’s basket!
We hope you have enjoyed our blog. Next week is half term, so have a great week and we hope you will visit us again.
Take care,
From Everyone in 3F