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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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19th May 2017

What a week it's been!

The children have worked so hard during their first week of SATs! We're all very proud of them!


In Science we have been planning an investigation to see what a seed needs to grow. They children have planted their own seeds and we have done some extra ones so we can change the amount of water and sunlight each one gets.

We're looking forward to seeing the results in the next few weeks!


We have also continued to learn about the United Kingdom and the human and physical features in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


We hope you have a great weekend and we'll see you bright and early on Monday!

Love Miss Mousdell, Mrs Turton and Mrs Stirrup



Please try to support our School Choir Coffee Morning on Wednesday.  Check out the details below.


Finally, have your say.  Each week you will have a chance to decide on which new song we will learn in next week's whole school assembly.  Click on the link below to take part in an online vote. (Note -this is carried from last week's choices.)
