Welcome Back!
We hope you had a lovely half term! We can't believe we have been back for a week already!
This week we have been doing some performance poetry. We have been learning the poem, 'I wish I was a Pirate' by doing lots of actions and drawing our own story maps. You can see the video of our performance at the bottom of this page. We're really proud of ourselves, so please take a look.
This week we have been learning to add 1 digit numbers. We have been taught some different methods, e.g. using a number line, counting on and using an empty number line. Please can you help us at home by practising counting forwards from any number and making sure we know what the numbers look like when we read or write them.
In science we have completed our hygiene investigation. We found out that we have less germs on our hands when we wash them properly.
In topic we have continued with our Wonderful Wigan topic and we have been learning about the history or Wigan Rugby Club.
Have a lovely weekend,
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose and Ms Rose
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