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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Welcome to this week’s blog.



In English we have started to work on the Town and Country mouse story. We have linked this with our topic work and used our knowledge from that to help us to understand the story.



In maths we have moved on to addition and subtraction within 20. We have recapped using a number line to add and we are working hard to add numbers by counting on, but we need lots more counting practise to help us to do this confidently.

A great app has just come out from White Rose maths, it is called 1 minute maths and is available for free for both apple and android devices. This will really help your child’s confidence working with numbers and increase their fluency too. Please download it if you can.



We have continued with our town and countryside topic. This week we have focused on Wigan and sorted the human and physical features of Wigan.



In Science we have been learning about reptiles and birds. We found out that birds have beaks, wings, two legs and feathers. The ostrich is the biggest bird and although it can’t fly, it can run very fast. Penguins can’t fly either but they are really good and swimming and sliding on their tummies!


In the ALPs this week we used our knowledge of algorithms to create some dance routines!


Have a lovely weekend
