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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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23rd September

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have bene using the text Marvellous Me to help us with our learning. We have been exploring what makes us all different and unique and in turn, what make us marvellous. Let's take a little look at this weeks learning .....

We started the week off by listening to the story and discussing the different things that makes us marvellous. We listened to everyone's contributions and we all helped to create the piece of work that is now proudly displayed on our classroom walls. Amazing

We have also focused a lot of our time this week on learning in our continuous provision area. This is where we go to practice and develop the skills we have been learning as a class. Here we are exploring 2d shapes and making pictures

We have also been exploring how to make different marks and letters in sand. At the writing table we explore lots of different writing materials, we write on envelopes, shaped paper, make marks in sand and even shaving foam. This helps us to develop our fine motor skills smiley

We hope that you and your child have enjoyed sharing your reading book together at home. Just a gentle reminder that we would like you to comment in the comment section of the reading record and that we would like books back in school on a Monday morning so that we can change them and send home a new one at the end of the day. If you need any more help or support please ask a member of a staff.


Also, continue to practice your Read Write Inc sounds. Today we have sent home another set of the ones we have been learning this week. The children are loving Read Write Inc.


Next weeks text of the week is On The Way Home. Why not watch it on You Tube before Monday smiley


Have a great weekend

Staff and children in Reception W
