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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone!


What a busy week! 



In English this week we have been looking at the Oliver Jeffers story 'How to Catch a Star'. From that we have been writing our own instructions for catching a star! What other ideas can you think of to catch a star?



In maths this week we have finished our work on length and height and we have been learning about mass. We used the scales to compare objects finding out which was the heaviest and lightest. Then we used the scales to find out how many cubes our chosen object from the classroom weighed. We really enjoyed using the scales! By the end of the week we were comparing the mass of objects and even solving some problems using the scales. 

Have a go at this game to test your knowledge of mass!



In science this week we have learnt that transparent means see through and opaque means not see through. We have found lots of objects in our classroom which are transparent and opaque and thought about where on our spacesuit we would need to use transparent and opaque materials.



In topic we have learnt about the astronaut Tim Peake who was the first British person to live on the International Space station. While he was there he completed a space walk and did some scientifica experiements. He said his favourite experiment was growing food in space! We also looked more closely at some space rockets and chose our favourites to help us with our space rocket design next week.


We have worked in the style of Henri Matisse this week! Have a look at the bottom to see our digital art.


Have a lovely weekend!
