What a busy term we have had so far! We can't believe we have already finished three weeks!
We are all working really hard at the moment trying to achieve our spelling badges. Our next phase assembly is on the 10th February, I hope to see everyone with a spelling certificate so please continue to help us at home with these! If you'd like another copy of your child's spelling badge spellings, please ask a grown up or leave a message for us in the reading record.
In English we have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel. We moved on to create our very own house, then a setting and write a description about it. Have a look at our hard work below.
We have been learning about multiplication. We found out that it is when we repeatedly add the same number. We have been writing multiplication number sentences by writing how many is in one group, multiplied by how many groups, equals how many altogether.
We have planted our own seeds. We are going to look after them and watch how they grow.
In topic we have continued to learn about Liverpool and we made the traditional dish, 'Scouse'. Most of us enjoyed it when we tasted it, so if you're looking for a new dish to try at home, we can even help to peel and chop the carrots and potatoes!
Have a lovely weekend
Lots of Love
Miss Rose & Ms Rose
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