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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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24th March

This week we have continued our theme of 'Growing'.

We considered the ways in which to be healthy to help us grow.


The children knew about eating healthy food and exercising but learned new ways to stay healthy too.


Sleeping is very important for our bodies to recover from the day and to help our brains to grow.

Washing- Cleaning our bodies keep the germs off our skin, this will help us to stay well

Toothbrushing- Cleaning our teeth helps us with our oral health.  We also learned that juice and fizzy pop should only be drank at meal times.


We enjoyed practsing catching and throwing in PE with Coach Tarin.






We have also enjoyed playing in the role play Garden Centre.

We have learned new vocabulary like 'trowel', plant pot', 'seed' and 'watering can'
