Welcome back to 2W's blog!
Happy Red Nose Day!Thank you for your kind donations this morning! The children looked great!
This week in English we have been looking at a poem called The Morning Rush by John Foster.The children have been working in pairs to learn the poem and put actions to it. They've worked really hard and have done a fab job! They have performed the poem to the rest of the class and it has been filmed.
In Maths we have been learning about money by making amounts and counting how much is in the purse. Children have also been looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
This week we have also been looking at the history of Wigan rugby ready for our trip on Monday!
We hope you have a great weekend! See you bright and early on Monday, ready for our trip.
Don't forget to vote for your favourite song to sing in assembly next week!
Love Miss Mousdell, Mrs Turton and Mrs Stirrup