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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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25th November 2016


Hello and welcome to our Class Blog. smiley


WOW …yet another busy week for us all in 3F!


Our class ‘Pupil of the Week’ was Jessika for always trying her best with her work, always been keen to learn and being a super role model. Everyone was so impressed that she also won the Year3/4 school trophy! Fantastic Jessika! smiley no


In English, we have worked really hard on story writing. First, we creating our own characters, thinking carefully about super adjectives and similes. Then we went on to plan our own story and have used it so far to write the beginning. In our reading groups, we have been enjoying the story ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. We predicted what we thought would happen, clarified words we weren't sure about, asked questions to help us understand what we read and then learnt how to summarise the main points. It would be great if you could do this at home when you read together as it’s a great way of helping your child to understand what they are reading. We are doing this with each book we read together in school.

Well done again to those children in our class who are reading every day at home as they are becoming amazing readers. Keep up the great work! smiley no


In Maths, we started the week continuing to work on using the expanded method of column subtraction and have all move on to the compact method.


A big highlight of our week was the full day visit on Wednesday of Clud, a man from the Stone Age! We were all a bit nervous at the start of the day before we met him as we didn’t know what to expect, but we had an amazing day and learnt so much from him about Pre-historic Britain. Some of the fun things we did included looking at fantastic artefacts, creating cave art, completing Clud’s quiz, designing Stonehenge and having chariot races! WOW, we packed so much into one day!! smiley


In computing, we made our own hyperlinks to create a maths game. Great fun to make and then use!


We learn French every week and some of the children are starting to get really good for example at joining in with singing a song in French, performing a finger rhyme, knowing our colours and counting to ten.

Thank you for visit our blog and we hope you’ll visit again next week.


Have a great weekend,


From All in Class 3F smiley
