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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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27th September

Hi again!


This week in pre-school we have been reading the story 'Elmer'.


The story is all about a colourful elephant who is different from the other elephants and he wants to be the same.  He soon discovers that being a colourful elephant makes him happy and everybody loves him just as he is.


We discussed how we are the same and different to our friends


"Me and Cole have brown hair"- Jacob S


"I have blue eyes and you have green eyes" Thea


"Me and Jessica are girls" Grace


"I can run fast like Joseph" Theo


"Andrew has hair like me!" Lilly-Mae


We also learned about colour through an Elmer collage at carpet time.  We chose our favourite colour of tissue paper and made Elmer colourful again!


We explored colour and mixing colour to make secondary colours at the creative table.  It amazed us that red and blue makes purple and theat green is made by mixing blue and yellow!




We also made Elmer biscuits using our physical skills to pull, pinch, roll and cut coloured icing.
We have also been very busy in Mrs Littler's group snipping natural materials using scissors.  We believe that scissors are a very important part of pre-school.  It teaches us to co-ordinate our hands, cross the mid-line of our body and learn how to use tools safely.  

We have also welcomed another class member into the number 4 club!

Happy Birthday
