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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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28th January

This week in pre-school we read the story 'The Journey Home from Graondpa's'.


We thought about all of the things we see on our way home from pre-school.


'The park'- Kyla    'The ice-cream van'- Maisie   'I can see Wacky!'- Georgie   'I can see Costa sometimes' -Esmae 


We printed pictures of all the transport that the child in the story could see on his journey home and we programmed a BeeBot (Yes! A robot bee!)  to go to a certain picture.  The children thoroughly enjoyed learning how to use the BeeBot and giving it instructions.  This is early coding skills! 

We also learned about directional and positional language such as -up, down, across, behind, in front and drew a map of our local area.  The children practised telling an adult how to get from our school to ASDA and what they would see on the way.  We used Google Earth to help us!


We have also been learning in the provision

And finally....we welcomed another little girl into the number 4 club!  Happy Birthday!
