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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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29th March 2018

Welcome back!


What a lovely final week of term we've had!


In English the children used all the vocabulary we have collected to describe Mr Twit! They write them on their own and they are fantastic! The teachers were really impressed!


In Maths we have completed assessments, the children worked really hard on them! Well done!


In Topic the children were given a shelter for the people affected by the Great Fire of London. They then worked in groups to make the shelter more stable using card, lolly sticks, PVA glue, glue sticks, art straws and plastic straws. We then tested the improved houses by creating different weather conditions!The children really enjoyed the lesson, look at our pictures below!


In PE the children have created a dance based on the movement on Penguins. The children have really enjoyed it!


Thank you for all your entries for the Easter Egg competition! They're fantastic! Well done to every one who took part!


We hope you have a fantastic Easter break!

See you on Monday 16th!

Love Miss Mousdell, Mrs Turton and Mrs Garstang

