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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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29th March

What a busy couple of weeks we have had. 

In maths we have been learning how to add a 3 digit to another 3 digit number with and without carrying. 

In topic we have been finding out about the causes and impact of natural disasters such as droughts and earthquakes.  The children then wrote fabulous news reports as if they were a newsreader from Newsround. Lastly they planned and produced a factual piece of writing with headings and sub headings based on an actual earthquake in Mexico City.

Then we had Sports Relief, all the children looked great in their sports gear and thank you for your kind donations.

Mr Jackson played his part in keeping the wheels moving.

 Then of course we had our annual Easter egg competition.

Fabulous entries as always.

 Have a lovely Easter 

Love from all the staff in Year 3 smileysmiley
