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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone!


First of all, what a magnificent effort you all put in for Rock Star Day! The children looked amazing!! They thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and the 'after party' and were beaming all the way through. The 'Don't Quit' message through Rock Star Day was all about keeping going and staying focused even if something is tough, we need to keep trying. I'll add a link to the song the children were learning at the bottom of the page.



In maths this week we have focused on time. We started looking at days of the week and months of the year (I'll post the songs at the end - and apologise now for them getting stuck in your head!) before moving onto finding out what we could do in hours, minutes and seconds. Then we looked at the clocks to tell the time to o'clock and half past.



In English we have been looking at instructions on how to build a sandcastle as a model text. We have written brilliant instructions for this including imperative verbs and time connectives!



In computing we used Scratch Junior to create a sharks and minnows game to practise writing code where one character interacts with another one.



In Topic we learnt about Florence Nightingale as a famous everyday hero. We learnt that Florence was a nurse during the Crimean war and there is a nursing college named in her honour. We found out about some of the changes that she made to nursing and how she became the founder of modern nursing.



In science we talked about the seasons and discussed how the sun appears to move across the sky. We thought about how day length varies in the summer and that it is much longer in comparison to winter.


Hopefully I will put our photos up soon, the SD card decided not to work on Thursday!


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Rose, Mrs Pickavance & Miss Sherlock x

Don't Quit (Official Video)

Months of the Year Song | Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
