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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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5th January

Happy New Year Everbody!


We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break with your families and are ready to hit the road running again this term!


It has been an absolute pleasure to see the children so excited this week to tell us all about their adventures over the Christmas holidays and about what Santa had brought for them.

They truly are very lucky little boys and girls!


This week we have begun our new topic 'People Who Help Us'.

It was surprising to see the children flock to our new role play doctor's surgery and begin to demonstrate all that they know using the toy equipment.  

It was evident from the first day that visiting the doctors surgery is a vital part of their early experiences and they certainly demonstrated the skills they had witnessed.


We have been thinking about People Who Help Us everyday, at home and at school.


'Liam helps me.  Liam goes new school'  Sophia


'My Mummy helps me do my hair'- Heidi


'Doctors help us.  They give us medicine of we are poorly to make us better'- Ruby-Jean


'My Mummy is my helper'- Evan


Then we began to find out about the emergency services.  We have a very good basic knowledge of the jobs the emergency services do and some of us even want to work in the emergency services when we are much, much bigger!  Mrs Rothwell says we have to try our best at school and listen carefully to the grown ups if we want to become police officers or nurses or fire fighters.



We have also sang Happy Birthday to Ava-Mae and Grace, Wiktor and Charlie this week who have all joined the number 4 club!  Happy birthday!


Next week we will be continuing to learn about People Who Help Us working on Maths skills and Expressive Art and Design skills to complete our activities.  Please keep an eye open for the new displays in the Creative Corner!



Before you go here is a snapshot of our first week back



See you next time!