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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that next week is the year 1 phonics screening check. So the children will be completing their screening check at some point next week and this will be reported to you in their end of year report. We sent home some extra practise packs today if you can practise reading the words by looking for special friends, Fred talk and read the word. There will be some words with special friends in that your child might not have learnt yet - don't worry, we just ask that the children try their best. Thank you.



In maths this week our focus has been on recapping things we have previously learnt. We have looked at our 2d and 3d shapes, practised counting forwards and backwards to 100, counting in 2s , 5s and 10s and finding one more and one less than a given number. We loved our number hunt in the alps this afternoon.



In English this week we have looked at the Bubbles film clip. We answered some comprehension questions about the clip to help our understanding. Then we started to look at the places the girl visited in her bubble and thought of ways to describe it. We had some brilliant descriptive sentences, well done!



In Science this week our focus returned to animals. We looked at insects and labelled them. W ehad a look at photos of insects to see if we could name them too.



Our computing this half term will use Scratch Jnr as a platform for coding. This week we just explored Scratch and practising dragging to make the script and experimented with what the different buttons did to the character. We're looking forward to using it to design a game.


Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the beautiful weather!
