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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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9th February

Another busy week in Year 3

Maths- This week we started investigating fractions, counting in tenths, recognising tenths of a shape and understanding what a tenth actually is.

English - The children have been writing descriptions of Vesuvius Poovius, talking about his physical appearance and also his personality. The children worked hard to include adjectives in their work.

French- We learned about the foods eaten by the French at breakfast and we learned the French names for these foods.

This week in French we shall be tasting typical French breakfast foods so please make sure the children have brought their permission slip back.

We also spent time thinking of all the different ways in which we can now keep in touch with friends and family. We also discussed how to keep safe online and how to ensure that we don’t upset people online.

These are some of the pledges the children made

Never to give their address to anyone online

Not to share anything without permission

To not write negative comments online

To use plenty smiley face emojis

Plenty to look forward to this coming week, food tasting and the visit of a Roman Soldier.

We improved our attendance last week and received a ribbon. We only have one week now before half term so let’s try and make it a 100% attendance one.

See you bright and early on Monday morning.
