We have been so busy since coming back after half term!
We've started a new topic, new science and a new book in English!
In Topic we are now learning about the Stone Age. We have introduced the children to the different periods of the Stone Age. There was the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic period. We have learned how the houses changed throughout these periods and the children have drawn the different shelters or houses.
Linking to Topic we are reading the book The Stone Age Boy in English. This is about a boy who travels back to the Stone Age time and learns about how they lived.
In our PE lessons we have been learning about the Haka. The children have loved watching it and creating their own moves!
In Maths we are now learning about subtracting 2 3 digit numbers.
The children have worked really hard over the past couple of weeks, well done everyone! Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday!
Mrs Forsyth and Mrs Pickavance