Christmas has arrived at Y1W. The children were so excited on Thursday when they found out that Santa had paid us a surprise visit to put the decorations up! He is keeping an eye on us on Santa Cam, to check which list we will be on at Christmas...
We have had such an exciting week! On Monday we came in from playtime to find a message on the whiteboard telling us to save the whale. We have made a video news report to tell you all about it. Please watch the videos below.
On Friday, we pretended we were new reporters again, but this time we have written a news report! Please see photos below the videos (the smiley face stamp indicates that the child read their writing to a grown up).
Lots of Love,
All of Y1W
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Thank you to all those who have attended Parents' Evening this week, we really appreciate the time taken to see us.
Congratulations to Harry O for winning the achievement award this week for reading every day at home since the beginning of term! Also congratulations to Harrison, Harry O, Layla, Sohana, Evan, Alfie D and Jayden B who have completed a lap of the track!!
We hope that enjoy the break (it is well deserved!) and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 31st October.
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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What a busy week!
The achievement award this week goes to Tyler, as he is due to start his new school on Monday. We will miss you Tyler!
Well done to Harrison, Sohana, Jayden B and Harry O for reading every day this week. Phonics is really important in year 1 so it's great that we are reading frequently.
In English we have been reading the traditional tale, ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ We have been learning about the setting for the story - the woods. We went to the ALPs and listened to what we could hear and what we could see. We used adjectives to describe the woods, then wrote them into sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
In maths, we have been subtracting using pictures. We learned about the add, subtract and equals signs and that + means more and - means less. We have been practising counting out some counters, then taking them away and counting how many are left. We have also used pictures to help us and subtracted by crossing out.
We have been continuing our work on materials. This week we have been looking at the properties of different materials and why that makes them perfect for their job. We helped Mr Sheriff design a new school, thinking about what material would be good for windows and walls.
In Topic, we have bee looking at the buildings in our local area. We sketched different buildings and talked about what we could see.
A letter has gone home today to let you know that parent's evening is on Tuesday 18th October (3.30pm-6.00pm) and Thursday 20th October (4.30pm-7.00pm). Please return your slip by Wednesday morning so that we can give out time slots next week. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend,
Lots of Love
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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I have been really impressed with the children in 1W this week. They have been really settled into their routines and are working hard to try and please their teachers to earn raffle tickets and well done tokens. Well done to all of our raffle winners this week. Also a big well done to everyone this week, our whole class received the achievement award for asking excellent questions and listening carefully to our special visitor.
In English we have been reading the traditional tale, ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ We have been using adjectives to describe little red riding hood and the wolf. We have been writing words using our sounds and writing sentences remembering finger spaces between words, capital letters and full stops.
In maths, we have been learning our number bonds to 10. We sang the number bond song and practised adding numbers that made 10 and finding missing numbers. If you would like to help us learn our number bonds they are:
1+9=10 9+1=10
2+8=10 8+2=10
3+7=10 7+3=10
4+6=10 6+4=10
5+5=10 5+5=10
We have been continuing our work on materials. This week we have been looking at the properties of different materials and why that makes them perfect for their job.
In Topic, we had a visit from our school governor, John. He told us about what it was like growing up when he was young. He talked about the toys he played with, what family life was like and what his school days were like.
Finally, congratulations to all of the children across school for achieving 98% attendance. If our class gets 100% attendance they can wear their own clothes!!! We really enjoyed our treat afternoon and wearing our own clothes today.
Enjoy the weekend,
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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Another busy week in Y1W!
Congratulations to Alfie P for receiving the achievement award for always trying hard in his work! Keep it up Alfie.
In English we have continued our work on the Gruffalo. We heard that the Gruffalo had been seen around the Wigan area, so we set a trap in the ALPS. We wrote Miss Lodge a shopping list of what we wanted to make our trap out of. We then built the traps and wrote instructions on how to build a Gruffalo trap.
We have been focussing on counting this week and finding one less and counting in twos. We counted our eyes, shoes, socks, arms and legs in twos!!
We learnt about different materials. We went on a material hunt around school, looking for wood, plastic, metal and glass. We talked about objects that were made from each material.
Finally, well done to all of the children who have read at home 5 times this week. Please remember to write in your child's reading diary when they have read at home to help them achieve their certificate.
Have a lovely weekend.
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and all of 1W
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We've had another fantastic week in year 1W!
A special mention to Harry M for receiving the acheivement award this week for: always being ready to learn and giving 100%, a year 1 role model already
In English we have continued our work on the Gruffalo although we have been focussing on the mouse. We have been working hard to use adjectives to describe the mouse.
We have been focussing on counting this week and finding one more. We have also been practising writing our numbers correctly, starting in the correct place. Please help us with this at home this weekend.
We spend this week comparing and sorting hard and soft materials.
Finally, we'd just like to say a big, "Thank you" to everyone at home who has been listening to us read in the first 2 weeks back at school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes, Mrs Folksman and all of Y1F x x x x
Welcome to Year 1!
We have had a busy week getting to know our new teachers and settling in to Y1.
The achievement award this week went to Danny for always being kind and helpful to his friends. Well done Danny.
In Y1W, your child may come home with a token e.g. A 'Teacher's Desk' token, this is part of our reward system in class. Children will recieve a raffle ticket for working hard or being kind to others. At the end of the day we draw the raffle to see who wins a token! We get very excited about it!
Please bring reading books in once your child has read, if the reading record is signed, your child's book will be changed that day.
Homework is sent home on Friday, to be returned by the following Friday, at the latest. If you would like extra homework, or ideas for work at home please ask Miss Rose.
Our PE day will be a Monday, please ensure your child has PE kit in school on this day.
Our Topic for this term is 'All About Me.' We will be learning all about our bodies and the area that we live in.
In Maths this week, we have been practising counting to ten. We have been counting forwards and backwards, as well as counting out different objects. We had lots of fun playing games to help us with our learning.
In English we have been reading the story of 'The Gruffalo.' We acted out the story and made some masks of the characters. We have sequenced the story into order and have written sentences to describe what happens in the book.
In Science, we have been learning about different materials. We felt lots of different materials and used the scientific language words hard, soft, rough, smooth, bendy and stretch to describe the objects.
Have a great weekend and get lots of rest for another busy week next week!
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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