We had lots of fun over the Easter holidays.
We did lots of baking both weeks - chocolate cakes, butterfly cakes, Easter egg biscuits, decorated biscuits.
The weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time on the field and the MUGA playing football, bulldog, dodgeball, races, playing with hoops, bats, balls and skipping ropes. We also let the children have lots of free time to sit and play their own games on there.
We did lots of crafting.
We had a junk modelling competition to design an Easter nest. We had lots of fun and there were some fantastic designs! Our winner was Ava! Well done!
In the first week we made bracelets and necklaces, Easter chick and bunny glasses, Easter bunny photo frames, Easter baskets and salt dough hand prints.
In the second week we made an Easter egg wreath, a bunny using finger paints and we painted some Easter eggs. We made a movable chick with split pins, a suncatcher Easter egg and a chicks nest.
We loved playing with messy things, making slime, and playing with play dough. We added glitter and food colouring to shaving foam and cornflour and enjoyed making marks in them.
We used face paint, nail polish and tattoos both weeks and had lots of fun turning each other into different things.
Our trip these holidays was to Eureka Science Museum in Halifax. That was so much fun, the children really enjoyed themselves.
The building was split into many different sections, first we went into the sound area where the children explored how things make different sounds, they explored how different sounds made them feel, how to use lights, cameras and special effects to make different effects to things.
We then went on to the area that had lots of real life role play, a builders yard full of foam bricks, pulleys and baskets, and sand.
There was a bank where the children got their own bank card and could use that at the till to withdraw money. There were small safes in the back of the bank that the children had to work the answer to the clues to get in and see what was hidden, all of the children loved doing this.
There was an M&S with tills, trolleys, baskets and food for the children to do their shopping and this was a favourite with both the older and younger children.
We were all really hungry after that so went to the real train for our dinner. After that some of the children went to watch a science show. The scientist showed the children the different ways to make fire and how to make things glow in the dark.
Upstairs there was lots of real-life areas - there was a dentist area with large teeth to look at, a nurse area with a real x-ray machine, an ultra-sound experiment, a blood experiment where the children could watch a video about blood particles. There was a light and dark area to explore how to make marks with different lights. There was also an area to measure height, weight, how high you could jump, how far you could stretch. There was a model of the tallest man in the world and the children could stand in his shoes (size 24!)
We then went and spent our pocket money in the shop and to play in the giant sand pit. Then most children fell asleep on the way home! It was a lovely day and the children were all really well behaved!