I hope you had all had a great half term! We have loved hearing your stories from your week off.
Adam got this weeks star pupil as he was focused and on task all week. Adam put everything he had into his tests.
Perfect Punctuality went to Chloe for being in and on time everyday!
After this week we are all time wizards, we can record and compare time as well as estimate and read time to the nearest minutes. We have also shown the time using a roman numeral clock. We found this easy as it is exactly the same as a analogue clock. On Friday we showed Mr Fletcher that we knew how many days were in each month. We surprised Mr Fletcher as we remember the knuckle trick that he shown us.
On Monday we read a non-fiction text about Sir Steve Redgrave, we then had to retrieve the key information and answer questions about Sir Steve. Later in the week Mr Fletcher read out some sentences to us and we had to write the sentence in our book from memory with the correct spellings and correct punctuation. Towards the end of the week we started looking at Fairy Tales. Most of us focused on Jack & The Beanstalk where we had to up-level the story. There was some very extravagant language used.
This week in Topic we continued our Haigh Hall topic and wrote about our school trip. Mr Fletcher was very impressed with what we could remember, even after the week of. We organised our information using sub-headings. Katie's work stood out for the super vocabulary she had used.
In R.E we learnt about Pentecost. The symbol of Pentecost is the wind, dove and the flame. We made our own hats with a flame on to signal Pentecost.
We finished our Plants topic this week by looking at the life cycle of a plant. Next week we will be moving on to look at Animals including Humans and making comparisons between the two.
We had a very special treat this week as Chris from the football association took our P.E lesson and taught us how to play football.
We started to look at databases and how they work. We modelled this by playing human guess who with our class. It was very fun!
Mrs Wilson came back to teach us French. We learnt a new finger rhyme about the Eiffel Tower.