Here are the highlights from our week in Year 2F.
In English we have been using a animated clip as our 'text.' It is called The clocktower and we have spent a lot of time viewing the clip and thinking about a lot of vocabulary. We have listed the nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The children used all the vocabulary to create a description of the clocktower.
In Maths- some of the children have been working on division calculations. The children have been using counters and following last weeks work on division by sharing- this week we have learnt division by grouping.
Others have learnt all about fractions. They have been taught how to find 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 and 3/4 of given numbers.
In our topic lesson the children learnt all about a famous artist from Wigan- Theodore Major. The children were shown some of his work and the children used their sketching skills to imitate his work.
It would seem that Year 2F are quite an arty class and really enjoyed completing this task.
I can't wait to see next weeks upcoming art work!
A big well done to the children who are reading EVERY night! We are having a really big push at the moment and we want to encourage every child to read every night! Practice makes perfect as they say!!!
Thank you to all who are also supporting this push!
Our certificate winner was Stelaa- for her excellent listening skills during the sketching lesson.