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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 10th March 2017

Hello and welcome back to our 4W blog.   Your captain for this flight, Miss Whittle.

Our weekly award was presented to Abigail this week as she has demonstrated a growing confidence when reading aloud. She has even read to the class at story time too. Well done, Abigail!


In English this week, we have enjoyed looking at a brilliant wordless book by David Wiesner.  The book is titled Sector 7 and is about a young boy who goes on a school trip to the Empire State Building in New York.  Whilst there, he meets a friendly cloud who takes him to Sector 7 - a place where clouds are made.  The boy is asked by the clouds to redesign them, and he makes them into wonderfully imaginative shapes including fish and octopus!

We have also looked at writing conversations between the boy and the cloud and have designed our own unique clouds.  We have been really busy and have really impressed our teachers.


In Maths, we have continued to look at decimals. Take a look at these examples -can you tell what decimal each represents?

In PSHE, we were looking at how we each have our individual opinions based on our own perceptions. But this got us thinking about where our opinions and perceptions come from. We looked at lots of different pizzas; some small, some large, some round in shape, some rectangular. We chose the one we thought looked the 'best'. Not everyone chose the same one because we had our own ideas about what made a particular pizza the 'best'. We then did the same for a variety of donuts. It was so difficult to pick just one as they all looked delicious despite their differences.

This taught us the very important message, that

'Beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes (and colours)'

We then went on to design our own posters to spread this message.

Take a look below
