We have had a lovely week in Year 1. Our certificate winner today was Olivia G for all of her efforts in learning her yellow badge spellings. Please help your child to learn the words for their spellings badge.
In Maths we have been comparing numbers. We have been using the language of the greatest and the least. We have used counters and pictures to compare amounts.
In English we have been looking at the setting from Little Red Riding Hood. We have been using adjectives to describe the woods as well as using 'and' to join the sentences together.
In Science we have been testing materials to see which are waterproof. We designed a new waterproof coat for Red Riding Hood using net, plastic and newspaper. The plastic coat was the waterproof material.
In Topic we have been learning different techniques to join clay when modelling. We will be making 3D models of our houses.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lodge, Ms Rose and Mrs Mason.