Happy New Year 2019! We hope you had a really great Christmas, and had a relaxing and peaceful time.
In English this week we looked at the NASA's Insight mission to Mars. We found out some amazing facts. Did you know for example that Mars is 33.9 million miles away? That Mars' core is rich in iron? That the Insight Lander (that's the spacecraft) has a seismometer that will measure the wobble of Mars' surface as it travels around the sun?
We learnt all this and much, much more. There's lots more information that can be found here at NASA's special website. Or, take a look at our comprehension -can you answer all the questions correctly?
In Maths we have been revisiting work from our first term in Year 4. We have completed an arithmetic and reasoning paper. Our teacher's have been really impressed with how much we have remembered from before Christmas. I suppose it just shows how good we actually are!
In Computing this week our teachers told us that we were doing Computing Unplugged. What??? Yes, a computing lesson with the computers not plugged in. That's fine we thought as computers also work with batteries. But no, it means without computers. Now, we know what you're thinking -a computing lesson without computing???? It'll never work...it can't be done. But it can be done. Our teachers told us all about how computers communicate and hold and transfer data. Computers use binary numbers. Binary numbers are a series of 1s and 0s. We worked up to 8 numbers. The first column is worth 1, the second 2, the 3rd is worth 4, the 4th is worth 8 and so on. They double the number before. Take a look -
Now, have a look at these examples.
Amazing eh? We loved this lesson.