Happy New Year to all of our students and parents. We are in for an exciting Spring term, as we begin our new topic - To Infinity and beyond. In this topic we will be learning about Space travel through the years and about some famous astronauts. Our role play area will be a Space ship.
This week's stars of the week were CJ and Layla for a fantastic re-telling of the story The Way Back Home, using the puppets. They were so enthusiastic and it was lovely to see.
In Maths this week, we have been concentrating on our place value to 20. We have been learning about tens and ones using our tens frames and our part whole models.
In English, we have been reading the story - The Way Back Home- by Oliver Jeffers. In this story a little boy takes off into space in his aeroplane. Unfortunately, he crash lands and meets a martian. They fix each others vehicles and then make their way back home. The children have been retelling the story this week and have been remembering their capital letters, full stops and 'and' sentences.
In Science, we conducted an experiment. We planned a fair test to see if hot or cold water would make a balloon inflate on the top of the bottle. The hot air made the balloon inflate. We used our knowledge of hot air balloons to discuss why this might be.
We have tested the pupils on their spelling badges this week. The expectation is that by Christmas the pupils have their Red badge, by Easter their orange and by Summer their yellow badge. Spelling badges are a homework activity. If you need any additional lists then please speak to a member of staff, who would be happy to provide you with one.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lodge, Mrs Golding and Mrs Mason.