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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 11th September 2015

Friday 11th September


Welcome to year 5W's blog for the week. 



This week in maths we have been carrying on our investigation into shapes. We started the week by looking at the properties of 3d shapes, counting how many vertices, edges, faces a shape has and by identifying any special features. Later on in the week we looked at making 3d shapes from nets and some of us even looked at how many different nets could make a cube.

We took it in turns to use the tablets and had lots of fun playing this game…



This week in English we have looked at the animation 'The Lone Robot'. We started the week by looking at adjectives to describe the robot and the setting, all of year 5W came up with some fantastic adjectives to describe the animation! We then used these adjectives to create sentences about the robot and the setting. Some of us even included some wonderful similes into our descriptive writing. All the staff in 5W were amazed with the work and sentences that the children produced. 



This week we have started our new topic 'Woodlands and Wetlands'. The children have produced a mind map in the front of their books and written about all the things that they already know about this topic, what living things we might find in these habitats and what we would like to find out. 

As part of our topic we will be visiting Martin Mere Wetland Centre on Wednesday 14th October and letters have been sent home today with more details about this exciting trip.



In science we are studying the topic 'Habitats and Living Things'. At the start of the week we took a walk through the ALPS to look at the different habitats around the school grounds, the children took extra care not to damage any living creatures habitats and made notes of all the living things that they found! It is safe to say that the ALPS is FULL of spiders and creepy crawlies. 


Our certificate winner this week...Ellie F This is for excellent contribution to P.E this week, she worked brilliantly as part of a team and gave 110% effort. Think we've got a super star netball player here. Well done Ellie. 


Hope you have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday! 
