Well done to Mia for getting our achievement certificate for super sensible behaviour and good listening.
In English, we have been reading the story by Oliver Jeffers, 'The Way Back Home.' We have been using exclamation marks to write exciting sentences. We made a missing poster to help the little boy find his alien friend. We used adjectives to describe the alien too.
In Maths, we have been increasing our number range. We have been ordering numbers, finding missing numbers and counting forwards and backwards. We need a bit more practise counting backwards, so please help us at home.
In Science, we are learning about materials and their properties. We designed a spacesuit for an astronaut and wrote which materials we would use and why.
In topic, we have been finding out about the history of Space travel. We placed pictures of the animals and people who have been to space in order on a timeline.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lodge, Mrs Connah and Miss Seddon xx