Hello and welcome to 5W’s blog.
We began the week with column addition of 3 and 4-digit numbers. Once we had mastered non-crossing of the tens barrier we were given calculations where we had too carry over to the next column. Following that we had calculations where numbers were missed out and we had to work out what the missing numbers were.
Something like this;
This was followed by column subtraction, with and without crossing the tens barriers.
Why not try some interactive addition and subtraction?
English this week was a SPAG week; where we concentrate on spellings, punctuation and grammar. We also looked at adjectives, verbs and nouns again.
We had a fab time at Martin Mere this week, which was connected to our science and topic subjects. We were really lucky with the weather as you will see from our photos.
Pupil of the week is …… Terence Ponsonby for his superior prior knowledge and ability to answer questions on the trip to Martin Mere.
Happy Birthday Isabelle, hope you have a fun filled time. Thanks for the sweeties!
Well, we’ll say bye for now and we’ll see you on Monday for the last week before half term. We finish on Friday 19thOctober, retuning on 29th October. Enjoy your weekend!