Welcome back to our Year 4 blog.
This week we have been busy writing news reports, and we have to say -they're looking great. We've had lots of fun writing them. We have written a whole manner of different topics from sports reports to Christmas reports.
News reports have very definite features. So, you will be familiar with the headline. However, did you know that the opening is called the lead paragraph and this includes the `Who-What-Where-When-Why-How' of the story? Yes, all of the story wrapped up (briefly) in a few lines. Amazing, eh? News reports often contain paragraphs that add more detail, quotes and sometimes use embedded clause.
We had lots of fun trying to imagine what these stories were about from the headlines. Our teachers told us that headlines need to be really clear and precise. These headlines have two different meanings. Can you see what they are?
Finally, we have a cinema visit on Tuesday morning and our Christmas Party on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon Year 4WF will represent Year 4 at a MacMillan Coffee Morning. They will sing and generally have a great time. Bye for now.